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Why are you hijacking my scroll speed...

Your "smooth-scroll" library is completely breaking my touchpad scroll with an Acer c720 Chromebook. One slight movement (which should be a few pixels scroll) is moving me over half-way down the screen. Makes your site unusable with this touchpad as accidental scrolling sometimes happens and moves the screen a whole page away, especially when trying to right click open links because the gestures are similar.

Sorry to all affected by the smooth scroll. It's been removed.

Hmm. Interesting. I just implemented the smooth scroll yesterday so I will definitely check that out. Thanks for the input.

Smooth scrolling is already implemented correctly in the browser. Your implementation is just a hack that hijacks the normal behaviour a user is accustomed to and just gives back a version that just feels wrong to interact with, even without performance issues.

Do the entire internet a favour and un-implement it.

It isn't broken on touchpad for me.

That said, if I'm being honest, it's fairly unpleasant to use on a desktop with a mouse. It scrolls you to the top after it loads (which is after the rest of the page), and behaves differently than the computer normally does...

I would recommend doing away with it.

I made a change to the code, but since I don't have a touchpad, I won't be able to tell if it's fixed. Let me know what happens if you happen to go back to the page.

Please don't use this. There's nothing wrong with browsers and how they scroll. We all know how to use it and it works well everywhere.

You're loading more code just to mess with something that already works without any new benefit (and actually degrading the experience).

It's still not working well on my touchpad. It stutters badly. I honestly would recommend removing it. I checked it on my desktop. It works there, but the difference scroll speed is unhelpful and actually a little bothersome.

Just remove it entirely already, it's nearly unusable on my desktop now, and it was bad before.

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