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I am not buffoon but I have used CQRS with event sourcing for a reasonably large system written and maintained by around 10 developers. Additionally I have used event sourcing without CQRS on two other systems.

I found the cognitive load to be less than with other service based architectures I have worked on. I could jump into any area of the code base and because of the naming conventions for commands and events I could see what was going on - this has never been my experience with a service oriented architecture.

The main change in developer thinking that is necessary is that you don't record state you record state transitions. Once that is internalised development is easy, a new feature requires new commands and handlers, new events, new queries and an updates to aggregates.

I had absolutely no problem with cross cutting concerns - security for example was handled in command handlers where needed. Other system components of our system that didn't use CQRS - for example reporting, general ledger, third party integrations - received data from the event stream and injected commands back into the system. So in no way was our organisation infected by CQRS / ES.

Yes it's definitely a YMMV. Your system may have been better suited to the architecture than ours.

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