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But android is horrible, HORRIBLE, OS. Why would you want it on your PC. Only reason I can see is to run it in VM for development purposes. Should be faster than emulation.

It's pretty good for a phone, but definately bad for a desktop.

By the way, x86 VMs for development have been there for many years. It runs way better than their ARM counter-parts of course.

And yet many more people would probably prefer it to that "horrible, HORRIBLE" Linux OS.

Considering the sad state of software available for Linux I wouldn't mind seeing a fully backed Google effort. And with multi-window support coming it could turn out to be a very good desktop OS.

>Why would you want it on your PC. (sic)

Apps. Netflix, Amazon Instant Video (which to be fair is fucking awful on Android), iPlayer, Chromecast stuff, Instagram, online banking apps etc.

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