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ConsoleOS[1], a similar solution, got successfully funded on Kickstarter[2] last year.

[1]: http://consoleos.com [2]: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mmv/console-os-dual-boo...

Or Remix, "the first true android PC" which just finished its run at Kickstarter 2 days ago. I went in for 1 for testing, they deliver in Oct 2015: http://www.jide.com/en/mini https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1123481999/remix-mini-t...

Yes, I got to know about it from a comment below. The price point is super tempting! How much of their software customisations are currently implemented in the os (anyone using their ultratablet or nex9 rom?)

But, I think both ConsoleOS and Remix have their place (if at all this space picks up). One is trying to leverage the desktop hardware to run more powerful Android apps and the other is interested in using cheap and affordable hardware (lower end arm chips) to give an experience / solution as close to a desktop as possible

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