It's interesting that you say that. In my time studying psychology one of the things that I've found interesting is the way that various subfields flee the label. Many IO apsychologists take to the label behaviorism economists. They're work is relatively opaque to main stream psychologists however in that they have their own professional societies separate from American Psychological Association (APA). The professional label of "psychologist" is actually strictly regulated in most states for the purposes of providing counseling and therapy, and typically requires a PhD from an APA accredited university and clinical experience to practice, but anyone can call themselves a counselor in most states (IIRC). Despite this many psychologists (the PhD ones) will use the counselor label for many purposes. (I think that family and marriage counselors require accreditation in most states as well, but I know less about the area.) In the area that I did research, people more typically consider themselves cognitive scientists, often doing work that overlaps machine learning techniques and perceptual measurement.
I wanted to ask though, since some of the statistical techniques we're using seem like they could have some use cases in your field, what kind of adoption (if any) is there in marketing research of techniques such as [Multidimensional Scaling of similarity ratings]( or other perceptual mapping techniques? It seems like a relatively straightforwards way to figure out what dimensions use in making classification judgments about products or companies...
I wanted to ask though, since some of the statistical techniques we're using seem like they could have some use cases in your field, what kind of adoption (if any) is there in marketing research of techniques such as [Multidimensional Scaling of similarity ratings]( or other perceptual mapping techniques? It seems like a relatively straightforwards way to figure out what dimensions use in making classification judgments about products or companies...