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It is DNS. If you put the EC2/S3 address into /etc/hosts, the services work fine. Affecting lots of other big websites as well apparently (target, salesforce) because they all outsource to UltraDNS

NANOG chatter confirming it is an issue with UltraDNS. Seems to be west coast related.

EDIT: Potentially a DOS attack. From NANOG: "We have some DNS providing type customers (not UltraDNS) receiving a few million packets/sec of UDP/53 DoS traffic, starting at about the same time as the UltraDNS problems. No clue if it's related, but it certainly sounds suspicious. :)"

I'm very surprised that they rely on a single vendor. But I guess DNS is one of those things you don't think about until it fails.

The point of using UltraDNS is that it they provide fast "real-time" failover of DNS routing. This is used, for example, for fault tolerance where the IP address responding to a domain name might change due to failure scenarios or load balancing (where a different server is now primary responder to the domain name, maybe located in a different data center or country). Infrastructure-wise, UltraDNS is kind of like the Akami of DNS, instead of content distribution.

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