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Can I ask specifically what you don't like about the direction Discourse/Flarum are taking?

I can't hope to compete with Discourse on features (yet!), but I think Flarum's elegance sets it apart. Out of the box, it's pretty, fast, easy to use, and works beautifully on mobile. And it's written in PHP, so is super easy to install – any low-end shared host will do.

I like the fact that Flarum has an html-only version for browsers with disabled javascript, but it seems to be an alternate implementation, not the same content with less interactivity as it would be expected - it shows much less information and doesn't seem to have feature parity with the interactive version.

This means that the software will only be usable from interactive sessions on "standard" mainstream browsers, and won't be easy to integrate with batch-processing tools (like web scrappers or data warehousing) or non-standard environments (anything enabled for the semantic web or developers creating handcrafted personal scripts to enhance their workflows). Classic "static" forums don't suffer from such limitations, being based on simple html and having predictable navigation structures.

On the other hand, Flarum has a fully-functional JSON API which can fulfill some of those use cases. See http://flarum.org/docs/api for more info - and you can see it in action at http://discuss.flarum.org/api/discussions.

Ok - I see how it solves the automation problem. But it means that humans and bots are accessing different web resources to get the same content - it abandons the original idea of the World Wide Web where a single content resource was expected to be used by humans and computers alike using a unified, simple syntax.

Are you talking about content negotiation? I don't think a "single content resource" really makes sense. When humans access a page, they aren't just looking at a single resource, they're looking at a blend of disparate resources (e.g. all the content in the navigation, sidebar, footer, peripheral sections, etc). Hence the need for a dedicated API that returns pristine data.

> it abandons the original idea of the World Wide Web where a single content resource was expected to be used by humans and computers alike using a unified, simple syntax.

I believe we are long past that idea, it's just too much of a restriction for the web in order to compete for audience with other technologies (meaning apps).

> This means that the software will only be usable from interactive sessions on "standard" mainstream browsers

a.k.a 99.99% of the target audience. I'm sure syndication tools could be easily built into it to provide static views to scrapers etc.

Sorry for the late response, I think this comment by babatong has the gist of what I don't like about Discourse : https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=10131932

Everything is "fluid" and flat (as in hierarchy flat). I like the more traditional hierarchical type of forum.

On top of that, with Discourse, you're never too sure if/when there is a new message and if you didn't miss anything.

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