I think it depends on your perspective. From the perspective of my keyboard, my input is random/unpredictable (it doesn't have perfect entropy, but it doesn't follow rules that make it completely predictable). From the perspective of my body, I have complete control over what I am typing, and there is nothing random about it.
No it doesn't depend on your perspective. If it did the conversation would make no sense. The only perspective worth considering is the global objective perspective. Quantum events are globally, objectively random. Nothing else seems to be, which means, by definition, that everything else is deterministic.
The question I'm trying to get at is: from the perspective of the physical realm (which may be, even likely is, all that exists) is there any possible mechanism by which something nonphysical could influence events in the physical realm?
For example, is there any physical property that is not "locked into place" by the laws we know and the observations we can make? Is there any fundamental impossibity (not practical impossibility) of snapshotting the state of the universe and using that snapshot to determine every past and future state of the universe?