No, this is not one of a million nonsense patents, it one of a handful of patents which were close enough to be on the line between valid and invalid, and the decision fell on one side of the line. The vast majority of patents, even from Apple, are completely valid, and never see any time in court because they are valid. I hate this meme that patents are all awful because sometimes they are found invalid. Do some research, learn about the system, then talk about it because you clearly have no idea how successful the patent system is, and the benefits it provides to you.
Patents are awful because even when they are valid, they are terrible at providing social benefits and are much more effective at securing wealth for the upper classes. This is why they have been around so long, and why those upper classes are fighting so hard to strengthen their reach (TPP, etc). Patents are not the most effective way to encourage technology development, and they should certainly not be allowed to devolve into corporate property that is used to flog money from the rest of us.