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Everybody loves a cool hacker persona. Except when it's directed against you :) And, facebook, imo, is more of "get shit done", rather than "break shit". This was more of the latter.

But really, if you work for a company, even if just as an intern, you really should be looking out for their interests. If you aren't, then why would they keep you?

> "And, facebook, imo, is more of "get shit done", rather than "break shit". This was more of the latter."

He didn't 'break' anything.

but then, it really isn't a smart PR move from facebook. Now we know that not only do they mess up with privacy big times, but that they're not hiring anyone that wants to raise public awareness on that subject. As if public awareness was detrimental to facebook.

Which it obviously is, but by hiring that personn anyway, and have him work on privacy and ethic inside fb they could have shown some good will.

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