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Looks like we need a new word to identify male if "him" no longer works.

Well... in JupiterMoon's defense, the word is overloaded (in the C++ sense). We use "him" for "male", and also (historically) for "person of unspecified/unknown gender".

Now, we're more using "her" for "person of unspecified/unknown gender", but the problem remains: We've got three states (male, female, and unknown/unspecified), and only two words (him and her). No matter what, there's going to be this kind of problem, until we come up with a third word. (People have suggested "they" or "them", but I don't like it because of singular/plural issues.)

But "them", "their" and "they" are perfectly serviceable and have been used for a long time.

Like "they", "them" and "their"? English is a wonderfully flexible language, it's such a shame that ridiculous and faddish political correctness is so utterly blind to it.

If CERN are not identifying the student publicly then we do not know that they are male.

Well we do, since TFA article refers to the student as male multiple times. You take is your take. It is politically motivated.

No we know that they used the word him and his. This does not as we have already established identify the student's sex.

Don't be ridiculous.

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