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WordPress 4.3, “Billie”, released (poststatus.com)
77 points by krogsgard on Aug 18, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 16 comments

Very nice new features especially the menu customization and preview. Some of my current clients will be very happy that they can finally see what the menu looks like without flying blind. Hopefully this also works with content blocks in menus as well.

The perfect thing of Wordpress is that it really helps to upgrade from (very) older version to the new one.

Yah, some months ago I upgraded a wordpress 2.3.3 (released in 2008, http://codex.wordpress.org/Version_2.3.3) to version 4.1 :) I only needed to fix some minor problems!

I will wait 5 years from now to see if I can move from this 4.1 to another one. Sorry Wordpress 4.3 ;)

Actually since 4.something you can enable "auto-updates", and it will keep itself up to date.

I wouldn't suggest keeping in client machine on an older release, much less on a 2,3,4 or 5 year old release as you suggest, and leaving it in 2.3.3 until now is downright criminal with all the security fixes that have come out since then.

Wordpress ecosystem has many security issues. So upgrading doesn't mean it's secure. So I run my wordpress on laptop, compile all things to static contents thanks to httrack , and publish those static contents. No more nightmare, and the speed is amazing.

Of course, there is no more comments and dynamic contents. But I don't care ;)

WordPress 4.3 named after Billie Holiday. Billie was an American jazz singer and songwriter. If we look at her life, it was a real struggle since her childhood. Attempted rape, protective custody, mother left, met again and became a prostitute. Arrested, sent to prison, served the due period and then started singing at night clubs. Her life was a chaos but she rose above the dirt and made her name in the Jazz singing.

WordPress 4.3 generated a lot of buzz since it was released. The most intriguing thing that I personally like was that Konstantin Obenland committed a release date for WordPress 4.3 and it was delivered on time.

Read more reactions from a blog post that we compiled at Cloudways blog.


I've only once had to keep a WP site up and running, and although the code has a ton of smell, most of my work there consisted of only a few clicks. I'm surprised at how effective Wordpress is as a platform, even if it's slow, and hope that they make a major version move to cleanup some of the cruft in their codebase soon. Dropping PHP4 constructors is a small step in the right direction, forcing plugin developers to do the same would be another. Kudos Wordpress, and thanks for the overview to the author (I'd never have bothered to read it otherwise)

So many people seem to dislike Wordpress but what alternatives are their if you want to host your own blog?

There are tons. Ghost, Moveable Type, Textpattern, Octopress, Statamic, Craft, PencilBlue, Dropplets, Anchor, Kirby, Expression Engine, Drupal, Lifetype, PivotX, Nibbleblog, Joomla, b2evolution, Publify, Jekyll, BlogEngine.net, Mezzanine... plenty more.

Just for blogging? I'll stick with Ghost


Here's the official announcement: https://wordpress.org/news/2015/08/billie/

I wrote about a lot of developer facing features and linked to source materials to help folks get more information that are not blogspam at all. I appreciate your feedback on my work though, really; you're such a nice guy.

I think the parent is referring to the fact that some browsers warn about your blog including unsafe scripts (try to load your link in Chrome or Firefox for e.g.). While this is concerning, I wouldn't go as far as qualifying the article as blogspam though.

Fwiw the mixed content warning is from VideoPress, which is also used in the WordPress.org announcement and also throws the same error. That said, I reported it to the right people and it's likely getting fixed across the board. So while I highly doubt that's what the commenter was referring to, your followup made the web just a bit better, so thanks!

Thanks for writing up your post. I'd say it certainly added some value that wasn't in the official release.

When I looked through the article, at first I saw nothing that was not covered in the official announcement.

But no, I didn't scroll far enough, there is indeed content there worth linking to. Therefore no, I was wrong, this is not blogspam, it just really looked like it.

Your snark and the downvote brigade are not appreciated.

I have to say that the parent here is entitled to their view; I don't necessarily agree but I think a comment saying why you disagree (which some people and the article author have done) is better than down voting.

He adds in a link and some value even if you feel the sentament is negative...

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