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Vietnam's startup queen (bbc.com)
114 points by jackgavigan on Aug 17, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments

>> "I don't believe in work-life balance"

I don't believe in the work-life balance, too. It should just be life, no work.

I know her! She is amicable and super hardworking.

Thuy is one of the most hard-working entrepreneurs I know. Having been in the same batch as 500 with her 2 years ago, I have seen the hours she puts in, as well as the distance she goes with employees to make sure they are learning and seeking their own best potential.

Definitely an impressive human being and founder.

Can confirm, awesome person. She is always full of energy because she loves her work; she rallies all of her team members to strive for success, and she goes out of her way to care for those around her.

Call me skeptical but I think the figures are bloated.

Why do you say so ?

7 figure sum acquisition by a large company like Google, Apple or Microsoft doesn't seem that surprising to me ...

Because her Tappy app got like 100+ downloads on Google Play Store, and seems like no one use it at all (I tried it and there was like 1 inactive chat room for the whole Ho Chi Minh city area).

If someone pay 7 figure for an app no one use, the whole app developer community are all millionaires by now.

Is this the Tappy app ? --- http://tappy.co

So from what I see , what it does is help the user make games from themes.

I signed up for access, still waiting for confirmation

Looks like a pretty cool concept ... a lot of users like to play mobile games while waiting for their friends or travelling ... I mean, its not on the level of Starcraft or Diablo , but its a pretty neat concept ...

No it's not.

This is Tappy: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tappy.app&... - a location based chat app.

The tappy.co is redirected to weeby.co, which is the company she claimed to have bought Tappy for 7-figure sum.

Cool ... how is this different as a social networking working compared to FaceBook ?

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