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Reminds me of the Prora, a weird Nazi hotel compound on the Baltic Sea that was never finished: http://www.amusingplanet.com/2013/01/the-10000-bedroom-nazi-...

That complex has been used many times and is currentlybbeing partially used. It just never was the hotel it was supposed to be due to war and cold war.

> "Strength through Joy" ("Kraft durch Freude," KdF)

Interesting that kraft is analogous to both strength and skill in German. Similarly in old Norse it's both strength and virtue. In English craft is defined as skill, i.e. in making things, yet Northwestern European languages place an emphasis on strength. I wonder if it's because as the language developed it was a time when making things required more strength than mental discipline/skill, such as lifting logs and stone for constructing shelter, roads, retaining walls etc.

I wouldn't say "Kraft" is analogous to skill in German. In fact I'd be willing to say it's never used in that sense. "Fähigkeit", "Fertigkeit", "Kompetenz" and a few others are usually used for "skill".

"Kraft" can have a spiritual meaning of sorts (vitalize) though. "Kraft schöpfen" is often used to sort of mean gather your thoughts and get revitalized. That's how it's used in KdF. I guess "mental strength" fits most closely in the KdF example.

There's also an old-ish word "Geisteskraft" which means something like mental strength. However it does have a different connotation than skill.

> In fact I'd be willing to say it's never used in that sense.

I stand corrected. Based on a quick search, what I gather is that kraft tends to be used (in conjunction with other words) to define forms of force.

Thanks for taking the time to explain in-depth.

Think of the protest slogan in the eighties - "Atomkraft nein danke"

It would really surprise me if kraft meant virtue (which btw. really meant "manliness") in Norse. Maybe you could translate it with mana here in there but probably not virtue.

I was there the other week, i think things are finally on a roll. One building is almost finished and currently inhabited, another is being weather sealed which just leaves the other half dozen.

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