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So the whole "family" has to pay for the uncle's drinking and drug habit? I am not gonna pay for your "belief".

Frankly, the benefit to Greece, whatever it may be, would be a mere side effect in my opinion. The point of moving it to a permanent location is to prevent damage everywhere else. It's an interesting game-theory-ish problem where on one hand, you think, "why should they benefit?" but on the other hand, under the existing system, it's possible that nobody benefits (other than the people directly involved in the corruption).

The thought of the Olympics coming to my town makes me want to start threatening politicians with recall referenda and/or thinking about selling my house and leaving. Most likely I'd just leave town for the duration and rent my house out for an ungodly monthly sum.

Sure dude, get a job in International finance and push that agenda. Until then the powers that be are going to try to work things out as if we all have to live together on a tiny little speck of dirt in space.

And the push the analogy further, they would force the uncle into rehab and get him arrested if needed.

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