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> With a budget of billions it would not be a problem to spend (only once) some money for a new airport (I guess now its spend every four years in some city to modernize their nearest airport).

Look at the BER disaster, it was supposed to open 2007 and most likely won't open until way after 2017.

I believe building a permanent Olympic site in Greece would bring similar delays...

Put the Germans in charge of that. I think we can all agree on that.

BER is a german project[0], and so is the Elbe Philharmonic Hall[1]. Both are long overdue and over budget. “Putting the Germans in charge” may very well not help to avoid delays.

[0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berlin_Brandenburg_Airport [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elbe_Philharmonic_Hall

Thanks for the correction, I assumed from context that BER was something different when the exact opposite is the case.

Downvoted previous comment, upvoted this one, perfect way to admit a mistake, well done sir (or ma'am)! :)

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