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Shameless plug: I recently built a new linux GUI git client. The people who use it really like it. Still working on docs to better explain what makes it different. Like GitHub's client, it's more than just a wrapper around the CLI, but unlike GitHub's client it exposes git's full power (tags, cherry-pick, rebase, etc.) If you'd like to try a new linux gui client, give it a spin!

Video in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4UQpGk1Ry8

Free download Win/Mac/Linux: https://secure.diffplug.com/versions/1.6.1

Your diffing doesn't suck! That alone is really valuable. What really sucks on Windows is merging: there are very few products that deal with merging at a basic competency level (the git merge markers usually wreak havoc).

One criticism: that jgit tab needs a serious UX pass. It's extremely scary looking to someone who has never used it (me).

That being said, I'll be keeping a very close eye on your kickstarter. Very close.

Thanks for the feedback! On the spectrum from "iOS" to "airplane cockpit", I think GitHub is trying to be iPhone, but I think git has enough inherent power (like an aircraft) that you leave a lot of functionality on the table if you constrain yourself to a "no training required" interface. It's certainly something to aspire to, though! If there's anyone out there who thinks they can clean this up, I'm always looking for partners :) Based in SF, open to remote collaboration, contact info in my profile.

The differ / merge resolution story is gonna get a whole lot better real soon.

You should publish some screenshots of it.

100% agree! Was hoping to have the full manual done today, but it's not ready yet. Kinda worked out - I'll spend today ducking as the GitHub goliath whooshes over me for HN readership's attention ;-).

The rest of the product's docs are complete and full of screenshots:


so the git client will be too. This client animates changes to the DAG, so I'm experimenting with animated gifs so that the manual can capture the feel of using it.

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