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Bash is good as a system shell. For interactive shell, zsh/fish/... wins.

That's why I only learn Bash. One lesson for everything for both purposes ;)

Programmer time is better spent learning almost any language other than bash. My god, the centuries wasted on minutiae like the stupid "[ is a program, that's why you have to put spaces around it."

And system administrators should use Ruby if given a choice.

fish would be better than bash as a system shell as well. More consistent, for example. However, bash is available and usually preinstalled everywhere, in contrast to fish.

I agree. But "fish" is quite strange to me, especially its way to recall history. In "Bash", I can type "^ R" and browser the history very fast. In "fish", I have to type and select with up/down array; it's not easy to browser the history randomly (FIXME).

My #Bash" history has > 96k entries (woh, believe it or not; because of this too big number, "xterm" + "screen" always stuck when exitting; but "urxvt" + "tmux" work perfectly thanks to "urxvt" daemon mode.)

Porting this huge history database from my daily "bash" to "fish" is just a nightmare ... :D

Actually fish will import your ~/.bash_history automatically!

(Talking about interactive "fish" shell; but that's the point: I need to be familiar with its interative mode first.)

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