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> Is there a better shell? By which I mean more flexible, more consistent, and simpler.

Yes, PowerShell. And it may actually arrive at Linux/Unix soon, due to CoreCLR. The specification is already open, but until now not much progress has been made towards bringing it uncrippled to Linux/Unix

PowerShell is extremely consistent. Examples: All commands are strictly on the verb-noun form where there are only 40 or so "approved" verbs. Noun represent the topic, so if you are working with ACLs, the commands are Get-Acl, Set-Acl, and if you are working with network network adapters, the commands are Disable-NetAdapter, Enable-NetAdapter, Get-NetAdapter, Rename-NetAdapter, Restart-NetAdapter, Set-NetAdapter. All (PowerShell) commands require the parameters in the same way (no - and -- confusion) as it is actually the shell that does the parameter parsing.

The grammar is "modern" so it has no surprises for anyone used to context-free grammars (like C, Python, Java, ...).

PowerShell is certainly flexible as it comes with the ability to invoke anything that has an exposed .NET API, or even has a WBEN/CIM standard interface (like some network switches etc).

I had an opportunity to use PowerShell recently. The task was simple: on a bunch of freshly installed windows 8 boxes, kill a running graphical program of a certain name, copy over new executables, and restart that graphical program. The kind of thing you do essentially constantly on Unix boxes.

I urge anyone at all with any interest in PowerShell to give it a shot. Spoiler: it's not possible without an epic level of hackery; but along the way, you will uncover that PS uses the same parameter to mean very different things for different commands, that the 'everything is an object' conceit doesn't work when the object you want doesn't exist, that PS is chock full of hacky, revolting cruft already despite its youth, hacky revolting cruft that makes oh-my-zsh look like /bin/rc, that most windows commands will fill your screen with banner(8) style output even on success, and that no two windows commands are alike.

Given which decade it was developed in, PowerShell represents the most absolute and fundamental failure of software I've had the pleasure of encountering in the last five years; and I've seen Windows 8.0. Anyone who thinks PowerShell is at all any good has, axiomatically, never seen any other shell besides cmd.exe before. You may think I'm exaggerating. Please, try the example above, then report back here with a list of what you had to do.

Using the non-aliased verbose form of the cmdlets:

    $hosts = 'host1','host2','host3'
    $source = '\\host0\c$\source'
    $dest = 'c:\dest'
    $executable = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\notepad++.exe'

    Invoke-Command -Computer $hosts -ScriptBlock { 
        Get-Process | Where-Object Path -eq $using:executable | Stop-Process -Force
        Copy-Item -Path $using:source -Destination $using:dest

Line 1-4: Set up variables to make the script more explanatory. Line 1 defines an array (the "," operator)

Line 6: Invoke-Command takes an array of (remote) hosts (the -Computer parameter) to execute the script block (the -ScriptBlock parameter).

Lines 7-9: The script to execute at each host simultaneously (the Invoke-Command executes the scripts in parallel at each host)

Line 7: Get the process list (Get-Process), pipe through the filter (Where-Object) which selects only the process(es) executing the desired executable, pipe those processes to the Stop-Process cmdlet which will forcably stop the process.

Line 8: Copy files from the desired source at an UNC path to the local machine at the destination

Now, the above script was the canonical way, using the long form. For casual scription, I could have written just this:

    $hosts = 'host1','host2','host3'
    $executable = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\notepad++.exe'
    icm $hosts { ps | ? Path -eq $using:executable | kill -f; cp \\host0\c$\source c:\dest }

While likely to work (I don't use powershell), I think you missed the main constraint posed: kill a running GUI with a certain name.

Your solution finds the process to kill only if the executable path is at a known location.

How would you do this if you only know what the process name will be -- e.g., what if the executable path is on D:\stuff\gui.exe on host1 and E:\secretstuff\gui.exe on host2, if gui.exe always runs as a process named "Updatable GUI Thing"?

Silly me, I assumed that the executable path was the requirement. My bad. If you need to find a process just by it's name, it is even simpler: Just indicate the process name (possibly with wildcards) to Get-Process (alias ps):

ps Notepad++ | kill

Actually, kill (alias for Stop-Process) takes a name parameter directly, so the "kill" line from the script could be written as simply

kill notepad++

But your question is actually really good, because what if we did not know the neither the process name nor the executable, but -say- only the Window title? Get-process (alias ps) will produce a sequence objects describing the running processes. If I want to know what properties those objects have that I can possibly filter on, I can pipe the objects through the Get-Member cmdlet (alias gm):

    ps | gm
This produces a table-formatted list like this (shortened):

    TypeName: System.Diagnostics.Process

    Name                       MemberType     Definition
    ----                       ----------     ----------
    Handles                    AliasProperty  Handles = Handlecount
    Name                       AliasProperty  Name = ProcessName
    MainModule                 Property       System.Diagnostics.ProcessModule MainModule {get;}
    MainWindowHandle           Property       System.IntPtr MainWindowHandle {get;}
    MainWindowTitle            Property       string MainWindowTitle {get;}
    MaxWorkingSet              Property       System.IntPtr MaxWorkingSet {get;set;}
    Site                       Property       System.ComponentModel.ISite Site {get;set;}
    StandardError              Property       System.IO.StreamReader StandardError {get;}
    StandardInput              Property       System.IO.StreamWriter StandardInput {get;}
    StandardOutput             Property       System.IO.StreamReader StandardOutput {get;}
    StartInfo                  Property       System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo StartInfo {get;set;}
    Product                    ScriptProperty System.Object Product {get=$this.Mainmodule.FileVersionInfo.ProductName;}
    ProductVersion             ScriptProperty System.Object ProductVersion {get=$this.Mainmodule.FileVersionInfo.ProductVersion;}

Lo and behold, there is a property called MainWindowTitle. So to stop a process by it's main window title I could write:

    ps | ? MainWindowTitle -eq 'Deepthought Main Console' | kill
That is, find all processes, pipe them through a filter selecting only those where the MainWindowTitle equals the desired text, and pipe those processes to the Stop-Process cmdlet

hey, this was a pretty good try! But here's what else you need to do:


and if that's not hair-raisingly terrifying enough (note the super-intuitive 'set-item wsman://...' call), you'll quickly find that when you start a program (which you left off) using a script remotely, it doesn't show up anywhere on-screen, despite being authenticated as the logged-in user, but it does show up in the process list. Guess why THAT is.

There are some pretty parts to PS; but they fall apart, at the touch, instantly, like fairy buildings made of dew.

> hey, this was a pretty good try! But here's what else you need to do:

No I don't. To open up a machine for remote administration, all I have to do is run Enable-PSRemoting like so:

    Enable-PSRemoting -Force
For domain-joined machines the authentication from there is just automatic, -i.e. when I use Invoke-Command it automatically created an authenticated and encrypted connection for the duration of the script execution.

> you'll quickly find that when you start a program (which you left off) using a script remotely, it doesn't show up anywhere on-screen, despite being authenticated as the logged-in user, but it does show up in the process list. Guess why THAT is.

That has nothing to do with PowerShell and everything to do with your expectation that you have equally poor session separation as with your typical nix.

With sufficient rights you can of course stop any process. But to reach in and control another user session is something else.

On Windows, processes are separated not just by the account they run under, but also by the session* under which they are created. Security barriers prevents a process in one session from interacting with processes in another session, even if they run as the same user.

This security boundary was raised to prevent compromised user processes from reaching into services and vice versa. This is part of the protection against shatter attacks and more.

I know a utility like psexec (sysinternals) may be able to launch a process in a foreign session, but I'm honestly not sure how it achieves this without some kernel support.

> but it does show up in the process list. Guess why THAT is.

That is because when you launch a process is launches in your session. A session is associated with a Windows Desktop (an operating system object type) which is a namespace separation somewhat like cnames in Linux. Windows on your (remote) session lives on the non-visible desktop associated with that session. When you log off it destroys the session and any processes running under the session.

You may not agree with the extra security features built into Windows, but the separation they create has noting to do with PowerShell.

> you will uncover that PS uses the same parameter to mean very different things for different commands

Example needed.

The claim is surprising, given that there exists a PowerShell Command Line Standard which includes a list of parameter names and their semantics: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee156811.aspx#EM...

> Anyone who thinks PowerShell is at all any good has, axiomatically, never seen any other shell besides cmd.exe before. You may think I'm exaggerating

Really. That feels like quite an uncharitable statement. The only reason someone could think something that you don't like is good because they just don't know any better?

Can you recommend a resource for learning powershell? (Assuming one has UNIX background)

[it does generate annoyingly long error messages!]

Long error messages: Yes, they can be a little strange at first. If they annoy you (or you want errors to cause a little less scrolling) you can set the "error view":

    $ErrorView = "CategoryView"
(unlike bash, whitespace is not significant)

As for learning PowerShell, if you lean towards online training, Microsoft Virtual Acedemy has a really good series of courses, even featuring Jeffrey Snover - who is surprisingly good at explaining stuff.

This is a good starting point:


I usually prefer books/articles etc where I can set my own pace, but those online courses are really that good.

Otherwise links: * https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc281945(v=sql.1... * http://learn-powershell.net/

And let's not forget the very friendly community at http://powershell.org/ with articles such as this one: http://powershell.org/wp/2015/07/31/introduction-to-powershe...

Is Microsoft Virtual Academy worth the time? Every time I've tried to watch a video it's been 99% fluff. The video you linked to doesn't even open Powershell until 18 minutes in.

That's true. I left MS-land years ago, and PowerShell is one of the few things I miss.

The only problem with PowerShell is that you need to write C# (or any other .NET language of course) if you want to create a real cmdlet (if I remember the name correctly). Other than that it's a quite nice shell and a sane procedural scripting language (again, with access to most of .NET).

The other, general problem with cmdlines/shells under Windows is the fact that they all work very differently than terminals that worked with type-writers 40 years ago. Which is what most console apps expect, for one reason or another, under Linux.

> The only problem with PowerShell is that you need to write C# (or any other .NET language of course) if you want to create a real cmdlet

What you say was true for PowerShell 1.0. Since 2.0 you have been able to create cmdlets and modules through scripting. An "advanced function" with [CmdletBinding] attribute is a full-featured cmdlet.

Now at version 5.0, PowerShell even has native syntax for creating classes and enums.

> The other, general problem with cmdlines/shells under Windows is the fact that they all work very differently than terminals that worked with type-writers 40 years ago

Not sure I'm following. The straight PowerShell engine is the most basic (typewriter-like) shell. But if you think in terms of support for terminal control characters - like VT220 - you'd be right. However, that is per specification not part of PowerShell but rather part of the console/shell process hosting the engine. The engine does indeed feature a number of hooks to make rich interaction possible. That is why the same engine can be used in the (admittedly) rather basic console "command prompt" of Windows pre-10 as well as with the ISE and Windows 10's not wuite so embarrassing "command prompt".

> What you say was true for PowerShell 1.0.

Ok, I said I used it many years ago :) Thanks, it's good to know.

About the console/terminal emulation: PowerShell has way saner architecture in this regard. I wasn't clear enough, what I wanted to say is that on Linux we have terminal emulators which try their best to emulate (hence the name) physical hardware from ages ago. I was both impressed and seriously disturbed when I read this: http://www.linusakesson.net/programming/tty/ In short:

> In present time, we find ourselves in a world where physical teletypes and video terminals are practically extinct. Unless you visit a museum or a hardware enthusiast, all the TTYs you're likely to see will be emulated video terminals — software simulations of the real thing. But as we shall see, the legacy from the old cast-iron beasts is still lurking beneath the surface.

PowerShell simply ignores all the legacy cruft and doesn't even try to be compatible with 1940-era hardware. Which is, in my opinion, better and a sound technical decision, which resulted in much better architecture. The problem is that most Linux cmd-line apps expect to work under terminal emulators, not inside a modern environment PS provides.

PowerShell is more like a worse Python and its core functionality is not the same as that of Unix shells.

PowerShell's commands ("cmdlets") are .NET classes within PowerShell, not arbitrary executables as in Unix shells. PowerShell's "object pipeline" is function chaining like in Ruby, not using OS-level pipelines as in Unix shells.

PowerShell is really just a .NET CLI, analogous to the Ruby's irb or Python's CLI, but dressed up to look like a Unix shell.

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