Thanks for the very interesting post. What sort of companies are providing the supply chain / logistics management/optimization consulting services that you mention (or is it mostly done in-house?)? Are any focusing on serving Asia?
I wonder if there's a good startup opportunity in this industry in Asia; many firms possibly haven't figured out the application of mathematics/ops-research to their supply chains yet, at least compared to the level of top US firms.
Logistics (delivery) startups are burgeoning in Asia, but no doubt will face these issues soon - maybe specialized mathematical expertise will help.
I wonder if there's a good startup opportunity in this industry in Asia; many firms possibly haven't figured out the application of mathematics/ops-research to their supply chains yet, at least compared to the level of top US firms.
Logistics (delivery) startups are burgeoning in Asia, but no doubt will face these issues soon - maybe specialized mathematical expertise will help.