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Out of the box? Performance isn't great. However, it's not hard to get some stupid fast cached performance. I wrote about it here: http://reviewsignal.com/blog/2014/06/25/40-million-hits-a-da...

full configs are available on github (and more updated).

There are also a lot of other companies/packages to help you setup faster stacks that are more maintained than what I did. easyEngine or ServerPilot being two examples.

How many hits are you getting per day that isn't great performance? I'm running two WP blogs each on their own $5/mo plan and it's been working great with one notable exception: I would constantly run out of memory on my highest-trafficked site (20 uniques per day) with WP Super Cache turned on. When I uninstalled it, the speed went way up and the out of memory errors disappeared.

https://github.com/kevinohashi/WordPressVPS you can take a look at the loadtest_results folder to see. I tested a lot of different configurations and plugins. The default LAMP stack which DO provides starts to struggle at 10 users. While some configs were doing fine over 1000.

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