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Predictions for 2010 (sites.google.com)
94 points by s3graham on Dec 18, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 30 comments

"...after it's discovered that the entire banking industry is held together with Visual Basic 6 and Excel macros."

This is truer than anyone here would like to admit...

Insurance and healthcare information systems too.

I was disappointed at first to see that the predictions for 2010 from (google.com) were actually some guy's sites.google.com site with "funny" fake predictions. I decided to humor the guy and I wasn't completely disappointed. #3 made me laugh.

I personally thought these were hilarious (esp #1).

You bring up a good (if slightly offtopic) point. There should be something to differentiate sites.google.com pages from those officially published by Google. Just add the "sites." so we know the difference.

This has been asked for again and again. Apparently whoever maintains this site is busy with something more important. Huff.

This is done manually by pg for subdomains on many other sites; this is just one he missed. You could point it out to him by email if you want.

17. Inane shite will still make it to the Hacker News front page.

Thats not a prediction, it happened in 2009.

"All this has happened before, and all this will happen again."

18. Anthropologists find genetic and archeological evidence that ancestral man once flew between the stars and listened to Lenny Kravitz. A huge post-hoc revision in a popular sci-fi series replaces "All along the watchtower" with "Are you gonna go my way?" and comes out better for some weird reason.

Since when is humor inane?

1 word: Erlang

please no

"8. The TARP bailout is extended to Microsoft after it's discovered that the entire banking industry is held together with Visual Basic 6 and Excel macros."

That second part is eerily accurate.

I would have added "Microsoft then gives the money back after realizing that accepting it requires them to support VB6 in perpetuity."

"Somebody then does the obvious and ... gets one bunch of monkeys to write code and uses the second bunch to test it. A reasonably good clone of Windows 7 is banged out over 8 months with a budget of about $4,000" My favourite line.

"XML will continue to be a better choice than JSON or YAML for the same reason that McDonalds is a better choice than Arby's or Hardees"

I'm not quite sure what he's driving at here...

That they all kinda suck?

Arby's and Hardees make arguably higher quality food. I think what he's getting at is that it's not better, it's just quicker and dirtier.


The sad fact is I'd actually buy an OS/2 Phone.

(It's true. More than a decade after the @#%$ that was Windows '95 beat us and I still can't let it go)

This is probably more accurate than most predictions you'll read elsewhere.

For what it's worth, the author of this is clawrencewenham on HN, a consistent source of good content.

Not sure this is correct procedure, exposing the privacy of a HN fellow. I personally would have second thoughts posting that.

He's posted several of his own articles before and acknowledged them as such (which is the only reason I know it's his!). I just wanted to make sure he gets proper credit.

cf. http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=754119

Ah, good to know :)

I liked most of it except for the blind Windows hate on the last one. I especially liked the XML one.

The (google.com) ending is a little misleading since it's just someone's hosted site on sites.google.com. It's not google's opinion, but it would be a lot funnier if it was.

17. Friendster revives to become the number one social network for gerbils.

#14 is funny

Lame humor.

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