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I've always been confused why so much of algorithmic trading centers on technical indicators. What about fundamentals? Wouldn't it be easier to cobble together a system that checks for healthy companies that are low in their PEG ratio historical range, and then buy-and-hold? There are super-boring companies with reliable earnings history out there, with stock prices that go up and down throughout the year. So you'd be trading a few times a month, not many times a day (or minute).

Then there are the simple algorithms like 'Just buy index funds', although I haven't found a good resource on how to sector-balance various index funds. Simplest I guess would be 'Just buy VFINX' but that can be volatile and scary sometimes.

There are firms doing it but you need a lot more data inputs and they have to be sanitized (extremely high quality data):


How easy is for a bot to read fundamentals? I do not know if there is some place to gather this kind of data.

I mean, in "The intelligent investor" the author points out that lots of companies bury important information in side notes in their annual reports, that can totally change their attractiveness.

I wonder how easy is to check these things nowadays.

That data set is harder to come by, which really sucks... morningstar has something like that - historical fundamentals - and they charge a ton. But I think Quantopian gives access to it? Not sure if others do. And there might be ways for other services to bundle it somehow across many subscribers.

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