The author mentions the principles Mobile First and Progressive Design. Which I've been thinking about a lot lately. Since they could be solutions to the bad experience users like me have on mobile sites.
The key thing that is undisputable at this point is building several separate ghetto incomplete versions of the site while forcing users to go to the desktop for the complete and full site is bad. So. Don't. Do. That.
Don't care what you have to do as long as you don't give me the ghetto incomplete version. If that means gradually building a progressive design version of the site on the side then that's fine. If you find some other strategy that works and will work on what ever crazy device I might want to use now or in the future that's fine too.
The key thing that is undisputable at this point is building several separate ghetto incomplete versions of the site while forcing users to go to the desktop for the complete and full site is bad. So. Don't. Do. That.
Don't care what you have to do as long as you don't give me the ghetto incomplete version. If that means gradually building a progressive design version of the site on the side then that's fine. If you find some other strategy that works and will work on what ever crazy device I might want to use now or in the future that's fine too.