Yes, I used to love my Linux laptops, but I had coworkers also using Linux who I could bug for advice on the One True Way to do things, and would tell me when the One True Way was now Some Other Way.
Sound, oh sound. How many sound daemons did the community go through?
After getting Linux set up, I was always scared to change anything, because I might lose a whole day recovering my desktop. Back when spending a day messing with an OS was a learning experience, this wasn't a bad thing, but I learn absolutely nothing from it these days.
Sound, oh sound. How many sound daemons did the community go through?
After getting Linux set up, I was always scared to change anything, because I might lose a whole day recovering my desktop. Back when spending a day messing with an OS was a learning experience, this wasn't a bad thing, but I learn absolutely nothing from it these days.