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That is the exact opposite of my experience of Chinese markets (Beijing/Xian). Asking in English is quoted at a markedly higher price than asking in Chinese. Not to mention that it is haggling-based, and final price was even more dramatic when using Chinese vs English.

Even if it's a Chinese person asking in Chinese, the results can differ dramatically merely if they're seen to be accompanied by a non-Chinese person. If you want the best deal, not only have a native ask for you, but hide before they do!

Same thing with getting spicey food.

Sounds like Yunnan > Beijing. The comments were about food markets and normal things, not for luxuries or tourism-style purchases. Also, after you have been here awhile you can tell the accent - a Beijinger asking with a local accent probably gets significantly different treatment. Luckily people here don't seem to engage in such games, though always appreciate those who put the effort in to reproducing the local accent.

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