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Up next, I will add the ability to define your entire JAWS API in JSON via Swagger.

Swagger JSON can be imported to create/update your REST API instantly via AWS API Gateway.

Meaning, you can still do larger, versioned roll-outs by simply updating the JSON in your Swagger file.

This will give beautiful structure and simplicity to the JAWS workflow.

The single deployable server you advocate is a single point of failure.

I'm sure you'll further improve this, good luck!

The single deployable server you advocate is a single point of failure.

I'm not talking about a deployable server, I'm talking about a deployable as a unit of deployment, e.g. a war archive. A deployable is a compile time artefact, a single point of failure is a runtime concept. In that sense, saying a deployable was a single point of failure is like saying a line of code is a single point of failure.

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