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Sadly, I believe this won't work. Just complicate things.

Even if values and their derivatives are "tainted" (remember Perl 5?) there are _always_ means to take a value and "untaint" it. Unless, of course, the set of possible operations on such value is severely restricted, but I believe that'd make things unusable.

This reminds me of ICFPC'08 (one of best ICFP contests ever) where one of the puzzles was about a robot that wasn't able to disclose secret blueprint contents because of a Censory Engine. Every time a secret or some derived value was about to be printed, it was replaced with "REDACTED". Surely, there was a way to work around this. ;)

So, a malicious extension would always be able to steal your password and send it to remote site, even if it would have to leak the data bit-per-bit, a single bit per request, over a side channel.

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