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If I look at my algorithmically optimized feed, I obviously do not see the things most of my contacts like/share/read/click/dislike/pin/and so on. I see the things the algo decides are fitting for me to optimize for ad-value.

If I could filter the raw feeds of my contacts and could weight them (ideally regarding the topic, as some people are weighted more on privacy matters and lower on food matters), I would be able to use the social knowledge within my contacts to create a curated list of (hopefully) interesting (at least for me) things.

These would be weighted, so that the more time I had, the more I could go down that list.

If then I had a way to tell this curation mechanism, that I did like this piece more then that, and the third one was bullshit, over time, it could learn even better.

And then I would finally end up within my own echo chamber. At least if I would not do the hard work of curating my contacts in a way, that counters this.

This social web might be good for nice pictures of cat, but the more I have to do with it, the less it really seems to deliver on its promises.

Just my 2 cents.

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