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Stories from November 29, 2022
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1. Tales of the M1 GPU (asahilinux.org)
1014 points by rawrenstein on Nov 29, 2022 | 367 comments
2. Goodbye, data science (ryxcommar.com)
821 points by sonabinu on Nov 29, 2022 | 402 comments
3. A collection of 88x31 pixel web buttons from the 1990s and 2000s (anlucas.neocities.org)
487 points by jakobdabo on Nov 29, 2022 | 151 comments
4. Firefox Translations: Translate websites in your browser without using the cloud (addons.mozilla.org)
732 points by PaulKeeble on Nov 29, 2022 | 178 comments
5. Speeding up the JavaScript ecosystem, one library at a time (marvinh.dev)
481 points by fabian2k on Nov 29, 2022 | 188 comments
6. Beyond Meat is struggling, and the plant-based meat industry worries (nytimes.com)
454 points by stephc_int13 on Nov 28, 2022 | 1024 comments
7. WebTorrent (webtorrent.io)
445 points by tosh on Nov 29, 2022 | 141 comments
8. JSON Hero: Enhanced JSON structure visualization (jsonhero.io)
499 points by fagnerbrack on Nov 29, 2022 | 195 comments
9. Keyboard shortcuts for GNU Readline (masteringemacs.org)
386 points by donatzsky on Nov 29, 2022 | 167 comments
10. Ruby adds a core class called Data to represent simple immutable value objects (saeloun.com)
293 points by feross on Nov 29, 2022 | 181 comments
11. Obsolete Sounds: collection of disappearing sounds and extinct sounds (citiesandmemory.com)
313 points by sohkamyung on Nov 29, 2022 | 160 comments
12. A tiny C header-only RISC-V emulator (github.com/cnlohr)
205 points by todsacerdoti on Nov 29, 2022 | 22 comments
13. JupyterLite: a JupyterLab distribution that runs in the browser (github.com/jupyterlite)
326 points by abdullahkhalids on Nov 29, 2022 | 55 comments
14. DWARF-Based Stack Walking Using eBPF (polarsignals.com)
140 points by brancz on Nov 29, 2022 | 64 comments
15. Motorola 68030 wire wrap prototype (retrocomputingforum.com)
189 points by bcrl on Nov 29, 2022 | 70 comments
16. WasmEdge (wasmedge.org)
213 points by mkl95 on Nov 29, 2022 | 84 comments
17. Emacs 29 is nigh (phundrak.com)
397 points by signa11 on Nov 29, 2022 | 262 comments
18. Ten Years of Image Synthesis (zentralwerkstatt.org)
120 points by theorize_ai on Nov 29, 2022 | 22 comments
19. Crystal for Rubyists (crystalforrubyists.com)
217 points by sdogruyol on Nov 27, 2022 | 90 comments
20. Set Adrift (nytimes.com)
135 points by Thevet on Nov 28, 2022 | 77 comments
21. Rereading: The Soul of a New Machine by Tracy Kidder (2017) (auxiliarymemory.com)
135 points by markus_zhang on Nov 29, 2022 | 97 comments
22. UK ditches ban on 'legal but harmful' online content (reuters.com)
291 points by isaacfrond on Nov 29, 2022 | 438 comments
23. A Poor Man's API (frankel.ch)
213 points by guoqi on Nov 29, 2022 | 120 comments
24. Stable Diffusion 2.0 and the Importance of Negative Prompts for Good Results (minimaxir.com)
214 points by MattGrommes on Nov 28, 2022 | 57 comments
25. An extensive tutorial on how to setup a Pi-Hole (crosstalksolutions.com)
386 points by Brajeshwar on Nov 29, 2022 | 219 comments
26. After Delhi High Court ruling, Telegram discloses personal details of users (livelaw.in)
214 points by ashleshbiradar on Nov 29, 2022 | 223 comments
27. Tailwind is a leaky abstraction (jakelazaroff.com)
297 points by jakelazaroff on Nov 29, 2022 | 379 comments
28. Notes on ExFAT and Reliability (2021) (pawitp.medium.com)
112 points by LinAGKar on Nov 29, 2022 | 75 comments
29. A Compiler Writing Journey (github.com/doctorwkt)
156 points by davikr on Nov 29, 2022 | 12 comments
30. How do transistors work, anyway? (lcamtuf.substack.com)
175 points by weinzierl on Nov 29, 2022 | 72 comments

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