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Stories from May 16, 2022
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31. Ask HN: Can you share websites that are pushing the utility of browsers forward?
188 points by brrrrrm on May 16, 2022 | 128 comments
32. OpenTelemetry Traces and PostgreSQL (timescale.com)
158 points by carlotasoto on May 16, 2022 | 31 comments
33. JSON and Virtual Columns in SQLite (antonz.org)
232 points by todsacerdoti on May 16, 2022 | 56 comments
34. RESH: Rich Enhanced Shell History (github.com/curusarn)
109 points by hxelk1 on May 16, 2022 | 22 comments
35. Advanced techniques for reducing Emacs startup time (d46.us)
109 points by Tomte on May 16, 2022 | 79 comments
36. Preston’s Paradox (allendowney.com)
67 points by sebg on May 16, 2022 | 52 comments
37. [dupe] New DigitalOcean Pricing (digitalocean.com)
267 points by smitop on May 16, 2022 | 1 comment
38. GSuite legacy users can now get a free personal account, includes Gmail (twitter.com/neighborgeek)
238 points by tekni5 on May 16, 2022 | 185 comments
39. Researchers Claim Serum Albumin Increases Mouse Lifespan (lifespan.io)
60 points by lelf on May 13, 2022 | 27 comments
40. Tell HN: Discord Ignores Right to Erasure
248 points by btdmaster on May 16, 2022 | 89 comments
41. Operator precedence by textual substitution (kmjn.org)
90 points by zdw on May 15, 2022 | 26 comments
42. Not a single car was sold in Shanghai last month (bloomberg.com)
246 points by danso on May 16, 2022 | 345 comments
43. How I learned to stop worrying and love the YAML (leebriggs.co.uk)
114 points by jaxxstorm on May 16, 2022 | 140 comments
44. Networking FreeDOS (wisdomtree.info)
76 points by indigodaddy on May 15, 2022 | 11 comments
45. Stealing checks worth millions and pwning a bank (jhaddix.com)
104 points by vbisbest on May 16, 2022 | 31 comments
46. Linux for Networking Professionals (github.com/packtpublishing)
119 points by teleforce on May 15, 2022 | 12 comments
47. Puzzling quantum scenario appears not to conserve energy (quantamagazine.org)
76 points by theafh on May 16, 2022 | 60 comments
48. Toying with Kotlin's Context Receivers (frankel.ch)
48 points by nfrankel on May 15, 2022 | 34 comments
49. Show HN: I built a minimal website for Los Angeles
84 points by polalavik on May 16, 2022 | 51 comments
50. Tesla FSD Beta almost causes a head-on collision [video] (youtube.com)
179 points by ra7 on May 16, 2022 | 274 comments
51. Finger: The First Social Software (2019) (somanymachines.com)
73 points by dyx on May 16, 2022 | 18 comments
52. In search of organic software (pketh.org)
85 points by pketh on May 16, 2022 | 44 comments
53. Request logging and web vitals for Vercel apps (axiom.co)
96 points by mschoening on May 16, 2022 | 16 comments
54. DigitalOcean: New $4 Droplet and updated pricing (digitalocean.com)
172 points by lode on May 16, 2022 | 326 comments
55. Delhi suffers at 49°C as heatwave sweeps India (bbc.co.uk)
116 points by vanilla-almond on May 16, 2022 | 137 comments
56. Sweden to Apply for NATO Membership (svt.se)
192 points by toxik on May 16, 2022 | 292 comments
57. FreeBSD 13.1 (freebsd.org)
134 points by SpaceInvader on May 16, 2022 | 67 comments
58. Candlelit Console patch set to the OpenBSD framebuffer console (undeadly.org)
46 points by bsdly-pitrh on May 16, 2022 | 11 comments
59. Shopify invests in research for Ruby at scale (shopify.engineering)
181 points by chrisseaton on May 16, 2022 | 166 comments
60. Zsh 5.9 (zsh.sourceforge.io)
94 points by codewiz on May 16, 2022 | 74 comments

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