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Stories from December 17, 2017
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1. Show HN: An educational blockchain implementation in Python (github.com/julienr)
412 points by jre on Dec 17, 2017 | 41 comments
2. Boardgame.io: State management and more for turn-based games (google.github.io)
657 points by ingve on Dec 17, 2017 | 90 comments
3. Internet Chemotherapy (ghostbin.com)
616 points by signa11 on Dec 17, 2017 | 135 comments
4. Neighbor's house alarm triggers when I put my car in reverse (reddit.com)
701 points by whalesalad on Dec 17, 2017 | 292 comments
5. Modes, Medians and Means: A Unifying Perspective (johnmyleswhite.com)
332 points by meribold on Dec 17, 2017 | 66 comments
6. In B-Flat (inbflat.net)
430 points by sdenton4 on Dec 16, 2017 | 43 comments
7. A RAM Edition of Dirty Coding Tricks (gamasutra.com)
303 points by edgarvm on Dec 17, 2017 | 74 comments
8. Mathematics of Deep Learning [pdf] (arxiv.org)
220 points by magoghm on Dec 16, 2017 | 38 comments
9. Canadian government gag order in CIA brainwashing case (cbc.ca)
274 points by myth_drannon on Dec 15, 2017 | 128 comments
10. Matrices from a geometric perspective (coranac.com)
206 points by niklasbuschmann on Dec 17, 2017 | 51 comments
11. In Japan, small children take the subway and run errands alone (2015) (citylab.com)
372 points by lighttower on Dec 17, 2017 | 240 comments
12. As crime dries up, Japan’s police hunt for things to do (economist.com)
259 points by lxm on Dec 17, 2017 | 178 comments
13. ITX-sized 7-node ARM-64 cluster (pine64.org)
136 points by rbanffy on Dec 17, 2017 | 38 comments
14. Her six-hour commute each day seems crazy, but her affordable rent is not (latimes.com)
189 points by lxm on Dec 16, 2017 | 226 comments
15. New Discoveries in Greece Reveal Ancient Roman Engineering (theguardian.com)
118 points by diodorus on Dec 14, 2017 | 1 comment
16. IOTA: A tangled mess (codesuppository.blogspot.com)
353 points by wglb on Dec 17, 2017 | 234 comments
17. Which lines of longitude and latitude pass through the most countries? (nwhyte.livejournal.com)
92 points by fanf2 on Dec 17, 2017 | 36 comments
18. Business Is Booming for America’s Survival Food King (bloomberg.com)
89 points by ductionist on Dec 14, 2017 | 51 comments
19. Traffic Engineers’ Epic Fail (strongtowns.org)
108 points by jseliger on Dec 16, 2017 | 94 comments
20. Inside America’s Growing Bulletproof Clothing Industry (racked.com)
92 points by KabuseCha on Dec 15, 2017 | 143 comments
21. Show HN: Interactive polynomial roots toy (duetosymmetry.com)
69 points by duetosymmetry on Dec 17, 2017 | 9 comments
22. Show HN: Using word vectors to classify spam messages (github.com/doodyparizada)
104 points by doody_parizada on Dec 17, 2017 | 21 comments
23. ScummVM 2.0 released (scummvm.org)
219 points by jsheard on Dec 17, 2017 | 31 comments
24. German Kindergarten Campouts Test Helicopter Parents (2015) (wsj.com)
105 points by eru on Dec 17, 2017 | 101 comments
25. Microsoft Intern’s Rape Claim Highlights Struggle to Combat Sex Discrimination (bloomberg.com)
108 points by Doches on Dec 15, 2017 | 196 comments
26. The First Unix Port (1998) [pdf] (uni-stuttgart.de)
68 points by jsnell on Dec 16, 2017 | 9 comments
27. Germany's Wolf Population on the Rise (dw.com)
81 points by brudgers on Dec 17, 2017 | 31 comments
28. Researchers discover how cells remember infections decades later (phys.org)
95 points by fern12 on Dec 17, 2017 | 11 comments
29. The Case Against Reading Everything (thewalrus.ca)
100 points by samclemens on Dec 16, 2017 | 56 comments
30. Applying McLuhan’s Tetrad to the Smartphone (2016) (glocality.eu)
35 points by danielam on Dec 17, 2017 | 7 comments

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