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Stories from December 16, 2017
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1. Firefox is on a slippery slope (drewdevault.com)
2023 points by ddevault on Dec 16, 2017 | 874 comments
2. Norway votes to decriminalise drugs and offer treatment instead of jail time (inews.co.uk)
1214 points by pimeys on Dec 16, 2017 | 217 comments
3. Introducing the GoodWatch (goodwatch.org)
604 points by limmeau on Dec 15, 2017 | 71 comments
4. Amazon's Fake Review Problem (brianbien.com)
602 points by doglet on Dec 16, 2017 | 324 comments
5. REST is the new SOAP (medium.com/pakaldebonchamp)
581 points by sidcool on Dec 16, 2017 | 338 comments
6. The Pentagon’s U.F.O. Program (nytimes.com)
409 points by farseer on Dec 16, 2017 | 272 comments
7. WebAssembly Raytracer (sniklaus.com)
215 points by mre on Dec 16, 2017 | 84 comments
8. Why Aren’t Any Bankers in Prison for Causing the Financial Crisis? (2016) (theatlantic.com)
407 points by sidcool on Dec 16, 2017 | 221 comments
9. Heinz Wolff has died (bbc.co.uk)
123 points by madaxe_again on Dec 16, 2017 | 20 comments
10. Essential Image Optimization (images.guide)
212 points by mmazzarolo on Dec 15, 2017 | 37 comments
11. World's steepest funicular railway opens in Switzerland (swissinfo.ch)
145 points by DoreenMichele on Dec 16, 2017 | 56 comments
12. Of the Liberty of Thought and Discussion (1869) (bartleby.com)
94 points by Pete_D on Dec 16, 2017 | 51 comments
13. A workshop for scientific computing in Python (github.com/andrewnetwork)
98 points by BucketSort on Dec 16, 2017 | 13 comments
14. The Emacs Calculator (2009) (nullprogram.com)
177 points by Pete_D on Dec 16, 2017 | 53 comments
15. Clang 5 in a Docker container for C++17 (solarianprogrammer.com)
95 points by ingve on Dec 16, 2017 | 63 comments
16. Attention Is All You Need (nips.cc)
225 points by espeed on Dec 16, 2017 | 30 comments
17. Statistics, we have a problem (medium.com/kristianlum)
295 points by stablemap on Dec 16, 2017 | 301 comments
18. Leveraging RISC-V for AI and Machine Learning (eenewseurope.com)
61 points by rbanffy on Dec 16, 2017 | 10 comments
19. As the U.S. Retreats, Canada Doubles Down on Net Neutrality (michaelgeist.ca)
214 points by colinprince on Dec 16, 2017 | 171 comments
20. The Ethereum-blockchain size will not exceed 1TB anytime soon (dev.to)
119 points by fagnerbrack on Dec 15, 2017 | 41 comments
21. Tesla Tells New Taxi, Uber Drivers Not to Use Its Superchargers (bloomberg.com)
125 points by fmihaila on Dec 16, 2017 | 115 comments
22. Show HN: WebRTC Data Channels Example
91 points by tomashubelbauer on Dec 16, 2017 | 9 comments
23. Luxembourg challenges EU order to recover tax from Amazon (reuters.com)
106 points by mgiannopoulos on Dec 16, 2017 | 78 comments
24. Clean – A functional programming language (ru.nl)
129 points by EvergreenTree on Dec 16, 2017 | 66 comments
25. Tesla largely responsible for slide in U.S. home solar sales (reuters.com)
96 points by callwaiting on Dec 15, 2017 | 90 comments
26. How Long Before Sodium Batteries Are Worth Their Salt? (ieee.org)
71 points by hliyan on Dec 16, 2017 | 34 comments
27. Benchmarking Modern GPUs for Maximum Cloud Cost Efficiency in Deep Learning (minimaxir.com)
83 points by minimaxir on Dec 16, 2017 | 26 comments
28. Array of Things (arrayofthings.github.io)
57 points by epaga on Dec 15, 2017 | 24 comments
29. What's in an Emacs Lambda? (nullprogram.com)
80 points by eaguyhn on Dec 15, 2017 | 4 comments
30. A thorough introduction to eBPF (lwn.net)
83 points by signa11 on Dec 16, 2017 | 21 comments

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