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Stories from January 7, 2017
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31. The spy with no name (bbc.com)
71 points by DiabloD3 on Jan 7, 2017 | 20 comments
32. Rake’s Progress: A Look at the Well-Traveled Casanova (nytimes.com)
39 points by Thevet on Jan 7, 2017
33. Chilean officials can’t identify a strange IR signal seen by its Navy (arstechnica.com)
107 points by astrodev on Jan 7, 2017 | 56 comments
34. Ransomware Spreading onto Smart TVs, Is a Pain to Fix (consumerist.com)
114 points by kogir on Jan 7, 2017 | 117 comments
35. Family Lives in the Arctic Circle by Building Cob House in a Solar Geodesic Dome (mymodernmet.com)
155 points by RmDen on Jan 7, 2017 | 48 comments
36. Russia Requires Apple and Google to Remove LinkedIn from Local App Stores (nytimes.com)
100 points by reimertz on Jan 7, 2017 | 131 comments
37. Scar-free wound healing could be on its way (newatlas.com)
53 points by awqrre on Jan 7, 2017 | 7 comments
38. IINA – A modern video player for macOS (lhc70000.github.io)
99 points by daaash on Jan 6, 2017 | 26 comments
39. A Logic Named Joe (1946) (baen.com)
35 points by apsec112 on Jan 7, 2017 | 8 comments
40. WikiLeaks proposes tracking verified Twitter users’ homes, families and finances (washingtonpost.com)
87 points by skue on Jan 7, 2017 | 113 comments
41. LG signals plan to put Wi-Fi in every appliance it releases in 2017 (arstechnica.co.uk)
52 points by pareidolia on Jan 7, 2017 | 49 comments
42. Reasons Not to Use Google (2015) (stallman.org)
118 points by dsr12 on Jan 7, 2017 | 81 comments
43. Ask HN: People who did coding boot camps, what did you think?
112 points by anthony-j-c on Jan 6, 2017 | 89 comments
44. Carrot and Stick: that doesn’t work on Programmers (myprogrammingexperiments.wordpress.com)
80 points by droider on Jan 7, 2017 | 57 comments
45. Messaging Is the One Thing People Do More Than Anything Else on Their Phone (medium.com/peter.e.schroeder)
46 points by peterschroeder on Jan 7, 2017 | 80 comments
46. Was 2016 especially dangerous for celebrities? An empirical analysis (medium.com/jasoncrease)
61 points by brw12 on Jan 6, 2017 | 31 comments
47. Gates Foundation to Invest Up to $140M in HIV Prevention Device (wsj.com)
43 points by dsr12 on Jan 7, 2017 | 16 comments
48. The PC is interesting again (theverge.com)
85 points by DiabloD3 on Jan 7, 2017 | 116 comments
49. [dupe] Theranos fires 41% of staffers (cnn.com)
48 points by empressplay on Jan 7, 2017 | 24 comments
50. New Alzheimer’s Treatment Improves Patients’ Cognitive Abilities (ua-magazine.com)
30 points by unitedacademics on Jan 7, 2017 | 11 comments
51. [dupe] Please don’t pay to use a pay toilet (stallman.org)
114 points by himlion on Jan 7, 2017 | 120 comments
52. [dupe] People Are Watching Two Google Homes Argue with Each Other on Twitch (gizmodo.com)
60 points by jackgavigan on Jan 7, 2017 | 8 comments
53. Did Media Literacy Backfire? (datasociety.net)
82 points by grzm on Jan 7, 2017 | 131 comments
54. Ask HN: Is anyone using Microsoft Teams?
53 points by tuyguntn on Jan 7, 2017 | 54 comments
55. [flagged] JWZ's DNA Lounge now accepting donations on patreon (patreon.com)
36 points by asicboy on Jan 7, 2017 | 14 comments
56. Ask HN: Anyone here using Facebook Workplace?
20 points by slackoverflower on Jan 7, 2017 | 4 comments
57. How Japan has almost eradicated gun crime (bbc.com)
28 points by Sami_Lehtinen on Jan 7, 2017 | 39 comments
58. Ask HN: Kicking off 2017, what’s your favourite browser?
23 points by late on Jan 7, 2017 | 65 comments
59. [flagged] Ask HN: What do you think is the current best Go webframework and why?
23 points by McMini on Jan 7, 2017 | 17 comments
60. How to Avoid a Malicious Attack That Ransoms Your Data (mongodb.com)
12 points by SQL2219 on Jan 7, 2017 | 2 comments

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