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Stories from May 16, 2016
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31. Study: Speaking Multiple Languages Staves Off Dementia (nautil.us)
79 points by dnetesn on May 16, 2016 | 37 comments
32. Bublé: a fast, batteries-included ES2015 transpiler (buble.surge.sh)
133 points by gedy on May 16, 2016 | 80 comments
33. A Whirlwind Tutorial on Creating Really Teensy ELF Executables for Linux (2005) (muppetlabs.com)
74 points by d0mine on May 16, 2016 | 5 comments
34. A Historical Tour of Silicon Valley (scaruffi.com)
117 points by peter_d_sherman on May 16, 2016 | 10 comments
35. Powering the Python Package Index (caremad.io)
133 points by ingve on May 16, 2016 | 29 comments
36. Raspberry Pi Zero grows a camera connector (raspberrypi.org)
108 points by louis-paul on May 16, 2016 | 32 comments
37. Frend – accessible, dependency-free web components (frend.co)
78 points by fenomas on May 16, 2016 | 22 comments
38. Mapping the US nuclear war plan for 1956 (nuclearsecrecy.com)
96 points by caf on May 16, 2016 | 45 comments
39. One year of Rust (rust-lang.org)
321 points by steveklabnik on May 16, 2016 | 106 comments
40. A Plan to Flood San Francisco with News on Homelessness (nytimes.com)
119 points by aaronbrethorst on May 16, 2016 | 145 comments
41. US Equity crowdfunding is finally here: Steps to getting funded (venturebeat.com)
83 points by walterbell on May 16, 2016 | 30 comments
42. Western Digital completes SanDisk purchase (zdnet.com)
66 points by alfiedotwtf on May 15, 2016 | 17 comments
43. The SidToday Files (theintercept.com)
117 points by aestetix on May 16, 2016 | 18 comments
44. GCHQ's Boiling Frogs paper on software development (github.com/governmentcommunicationsheadq...)
111 points by kiyanwang on May 16, 2016 | 83 comments
45. Show HN: Klart – Capture Anything (Pocket for Screenshots) (klart.co)
53 points by drikerf on May 16, 2016 | 47 comments
46. “I made an app that orders delivery to a random location, and ubers you there” (twitter.com/chromakode)
261 points by robtaylor on May 15, 2016 | 28 comments
47. Mr. Robot Blind SQL Injection Vulnerability (corenumb.wordpress.com)
101 points by cujanovic on May 16, 2016 | 35 comments
48. Klocka – Pi-powered remote doorbell (github.com/teozkr)
39 points by Nullabillity on May 16, 2016 | 16 comments
49. The Bank Job – breaking a mobile banking application (boris.in)
135 points by deproders on May 16, 2016 | 39 comments
50. Context switch logging with the Windows Event Tracing API (2014) (mollyrocket.com)
177 points by ingve on May 16, 2016 | 74 comments
51. Winding down the Swift 3 release (gmane.org)
70 points by milen on May 16, 2016 | 63 comments
52. Gene Regulation, Illustrated (scientificamerican.com)
46 points by okket on May 16, 2016 | 5 comments
53. Pittsburgh as a Startup (medium.com/startups-and-investment)
99 points by joeyespo on May 16, 2016 | 84 comments
54. Show HN: keysniffer – Linux kernel module to log pressed keys in debugfs (github.com/jarun)
40 points by apjana on May 16, 2016 | 15 comments
55. Building an iOS App in Rust (bignerdranch.com)
106 points by weinzierl on May 16, 2016 | 10 comments
56. Why Big Companies Can't Innovate (hbr.org)
93 points by chirau on May 16, 2016 | 67 comments
57. Shamir's Secret Sharing (wikipedia.org)
66 points by simplect on May 16, 2016 | 16 comments
58. OmniSharp – Cross Platform .Net Development (omnisharp.net)
95 points by nikolay on May 16, 2016 | 22 comments
59. Decentralised Decision Making with Initiative Circles (codurance.com)
58 points by mashooq-badar on May 16, 2016 | 4 comments
60. On the Nature of Creepiness [pdf] (scottbarrykaufman.com)
89 points by rfreytag on May 16, 2016 | 91 comments

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