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Stories from July 17, 2015
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31. A fast Lisp interpreter in Dart (oki-osk.jp)
64 points by suzuki on July 17, 2015 | 10 comments
32. Chain, Chest, Curse: Combating Book Theft in Medieval Times (medievalbooks.nl)
53 points by diodorus on July 16, 2015 | 1 comment
33. Bernoulli: Exposition of a New Theory on the Measurement of Risk (1738) [pdf] (ucsb.edu)
46 points by jcr on July 17, 2015 | 17 comments
34. New in the Wolfram Language: MailReceiverFunction (wolfram.com)
52 points by brongondwana on July 17, 2015 | 17 comments
35. WebVR Spec Draft (mozvr.github.io)
48 points by adamnemecek on July 16, 2015 | 9 comments
36. Smart Bed Startup Luna Joins YC S15, Has Raised $1.3M in Private Funding (techcrunch.com)
53 points by katm on July 17, 2015 | 20 comments
37. Porting the GNU Hurd to the L4 Microkernel (2003) [pdf] (cmu.edu)
40 points by vezzy-fnord on July 17, 2015 | 14 comments
38. Mirror Grinding (scopemaking.net)
42 points by Tomte on July 17, 2015 | 7 comments
39. On the Value of Not Knowing Everything (iasc-culture.org)
39 points by pepys on July 16, 2015 | 9 comments
40. Robert Louis Stevenson Was a Sickly Man with a Robust Imagination (neh.gov)
30 points by drjohnson on July 17, 2015 | 9 comments
41. The First Light of Trinity (newyorker.com)
32 points by Hooke on July 17, 2015
42. Bullet Points of Doom for ESPN (500ish.com)
45 points by crgt on July 17, 2015 | 54 comments
43. How I optimised my life to make my job redundant (troyhunt.com)
118 points by henrik_w on July 17, 2015 | 94 comments
44. Ask HN: Is physics moving forward?
85 points by Murkin on July 17, 2015 | 71 comments
45. Implementing the THX Deep Note Sound with AudioKit [video] (vimeo.com)
35 points by narner on July 17, 2015 | 24 comments
46. Deanonymizing Darknet Data (atechdad.com)
37 points by julianj on July 17, 2015 | 12 comments
47. Something goes bump in the data (symmetrymagazine.org)
23 points by jonbaer on July 17, 2015 | 1 comment
48. The information that companies share with employees is becoming a bigger issue (techcrunch.com)
78 points by dmnd on July 17, 2015 | 46 comments
49. Ask HN: What is the best way to learn Machine Learning in Python?
87 points by karan_dev on July 17, 2015 | 46 comments
50. Stowaways and Crimes Aboard a Scofflaw Ship (nytimes.com)
64 points by azernik on July 17, 2015 | 3 comments
51. The Next Wave – A Conversation With John Markoff (edge.org)
33 points by ethana on July 16, 2015 | 6 comments
52. One Pixel Cinema (mattbierner.com)
40 points by ingve on July 17, 2015 | 13 comments
53. IronNode – Debug Node.js code with Chrome Developer Tools (github.com/s-a)
44 points by saqu on July 17, 2015 | 24 comments
54. LinkedIn and Censorship in China (greatfire.org)
74 points by tomkwok on July 17, 2015 | 64 comments
55. Why INTERCAL is better than Perl (2002) (mongueurs.net)
36 points by brudgers on July 17, 2015 | 15 comments
56. Show HN: Zero – an HTML5 game about modular arithmetic and prime numbers (karaniwan.org)
39 points by bryanbibat on July 17, 2015 | 18 comments
57. Static if, resurrected (open-std.org)
37 points by ScottWRobinson on July 17, 2015 | 4 comments
58. Easily debugging Meteor.js (joshowens.me)
91 points by claudiojulio on July 17, 2015 | 17 comments
59. Contemporary Canadian Indigenous Territory and Language Map (native-land.ca)
44 points by stepmr on July 17, 2015 | 7 comments
60. FastMail gains push notifications in iOS Mail.app, joining only Yahoo and iCloud (fastmail.com)
47 points by zacwest on July 17, 2015 | 64 comments

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