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Medieval Manuscript Fragments in the Classroom (medievalbooks.nl)
1 point by leephillips on Dec 5, 2022 | past
The Oldest Surviving Printed Advertisement in English (2019) (medievalbooks.nl)
1 point by benbreen on Oct 30, 2022 | past
Breaking Bad: The Incomplete History of the St. Albans Bible (2019) (medievalbooks.nl)
21 points by Vigier on Nov 18, 2021 | past
Box It, Bag It, Wrap It: Medieval Books on the Go (2015) (medievalbooks.nl)
10 points by pwdisswordfish8 on April 30, 2021 | past | 3 comments
The Architecture of the Medieval Page (2018) (medievalbooks.nl)
60 points by jslakro on Aug 2, 2020 | past | 4 comments
Half Full, Half Empty: The Peculiar Medieval Page (medievalbooks.nl)
1 point by ricardomcgowan on June 8, 2020 | past
Doodles in Medieval Manuscripts (medievalbooks.nl)
1 point by ohjeez on Oct 5, 2018 | past
The Secrets of Medieval Fonts (2016) (medievalbooks.nl)
2 points by jxub on Feb 25, 2018 | past
Judging a book by its cover (2015) (medievalbooks.nl)
13 points by jxub on Feb 25, 2018 | past
Medieval Letter-People (2015) (medievalbooks.nl)
12 points by diodorus on Feb 20, 2017 | past
Where are the Scriptoria? (2013) (medievalbooks.nl)
2 points by Petiver on June 4, 2016 | past
The Secrets of Medieval Fonts (medievalbooks.nl)
102 points by robin_reala on April 29, 2016 | past | 12 comments
Dirty Old Books (medievalbooks.nl)
11 points by pepys on March 2, 2016 | past
Where are the Scriptoria? (medievalbooks.nl)
8 points by diodorus on Feb 18, 2016 | past
X-Rays Expose a Hidden Medieval Library (medievalbooks.nl)
86 points by robin_reala on Dec 18, 2015 | past | 6 comments
“To Conserve or Not to Conserve, That Is the Question”: On Damaged Books (medievalbooks.nl)
10 points by diodorus on Dec 16, 2015 | past
Judging a Book by its Cover (medievalbooks.nl)
19 points by benbreen on Nov 12, 2015 | past
The Incredible Expandable Book (medievalbooks.nl)
11 points by diodorus on Oct 2, 2015 | past | 1 comment
Medieval Posters (medievalbooks.nl)
35 points by Petiver on Sept 22, 2015 | past
Chain, Chest, Curse: Combating Book Theft in Medieval Times (medievalbooks.nl)
2 points by carton on July 23, 2015 | past
Chain, Chest, Curse: Combating Book Theft in Medieval Times (medievalbooks.nl)
53 points by diodorus on July 16, 2015 | past | 1 comment
Medieval Letter-People (medievalbooks.nl)
15 points by benbreen on June 25, 2015 | past
Half Full, Half Empty: The Peculiar Medieval Page (medievalbooks.nl)
27 points by diodorus on June 6, 2015 | past | 5 comments
Medieval Bargain Books (medievalbooks.nl)
39 points by Petiver on May 24, 2015 | past | 5 comments
Rare Medieval Name Tags (medievalbooks.nl)
8 points by Thevet on April 25, 2015 | past
Dirt in Medieval Books (medievalbooks.nl)
133 points by Thevet on April 23, 2015 | past | 17 comments
Book on a Stick (medievalbooks.nl)
15 points by benbreen on April 16, 2015 | past
Cracking Codes in Medieval Books (medievalbooks.nl)
3 points by anacleto on Feb 27, 2015 | past | 1 comment
Cracking Codes in Medieval Books (medievalbooks.nl)
36 points by benbreen on Feb 20, 2015 | past | 2 comments
Box It, Bag It, Wrap It: Medieval Books on the Go (medievalbooks.nl)
7 points by Thevet on Feb 8, 2015 | past

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