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Stories from February 15, 2015
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1. The New Haskell.org (haskell.org)
312 points by dons on Feb 15, 2015 | 103 comments
2. Now, I can see wifi signals (imgur.com)
695 points by bane on Feb 15, 2015 | 56 comments
3. Asynchronous Python and Databases (zzzeek.org)
214 points by zzzeek on Feb 15, 2015 | 72 comments
4. Ask HN: What up with these startup salaries?
421 points by whiddershins on Feb 15, 2015 | 416 comments
5. Procedural City Generation (tmwhere.com)
199 points by t-mw on Feb 15, 2015 | 22 comments
6. 1-2 year SSD wear on build boxes has been minimal (dragonflybsd.org)
139 points by jontro on Feb 15, 2015 | 74 comments
7. How Roy Baumeister challenged the idea of self-esteem (2014) (medium.com/matter-archive)
141 points by evilsimon on Feb 15, 2015 | 82 comments
8. End of the m0n0wall project (m0n0.ch)
163 points by lindell on Feb 15, 2015 | 26 comments
9. Undercover restorers fix Paris landmark's clock (2007) (theguardian.com)
132 points by smollett on Feb 15, 2015 | 19 comments
10. 64-bit Linux Return-Oriented Programming (stanford.edu)
99 points by wglb on Feb 15, 2015 | 18 comments
11. A summary of ECMAScript 6 features (github.com/lukehoban)
124 points by sevko on Feb 15, 2015 | 52 comments
12. Toyota Prius' Power Split Device (eahart.com)
105 points by desdiv on Feb 15, 2015 | 32 comments
13. The Wake Programming Language (wakelang.com)
81 points by developer-mike on Feb 15, 2015 | 57 comments
14. How and why Tor changes its protocol (torproject.org)
95 points by ikeboy on Feb 15, 2015 | 10 comments
15. Zero size objects (tedunangst.com)
84 points by zdw on Feb 15, 2015 | 25 comments
16. Fine, I’ll Go Build My Own Disassembler, with BlackJack (joshbarczak.com)
89 points by nkurz on Feb 15, 2015 | 4 comments
17. The world's slowest Linux PC (extremetech.com)
102 points by kudu on Feb 15, 2015 | 30 comments
18. Monopoly’s Inventor: The Progressive Who Didn’t Pass ‘Go’ (nytimes.com)
85 points by wallflower on Feb 14, 2015 | 35 comments
19. The Tyranny of the Forced Smile (nytimes.com)
156 points by boh on Feb 15, 2015 | 77 comments
20. DOT and FAA Propose New Rules for Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (faa.gov)
66 points by ghaff on Feb 15, 2015 | 30 comments
21. How to Program Racket (racket-lang.org)
71 points by shawndumas on Feb 14, 2015 | 18 comments
22. HTML5 Security Cheat Sheet (owasp.org)
75 points by dhruvbhatia on Feb 15, 2015 | 8 comments
23. A Visual Approach to Calculus Problems (2000) [pdf] (mamikon.com)
102 points by ascertain on Feb 15, 2015 | 8 comments
24. Show HN: Vivaldi programming language (github.com/jeorgun)
52 points by jeorgun on Feb 15, 2015 | 25 comments
25. C# 6 exception filters and how they are more than syntactic sugar (volatileread.com)
52 points by bursurk on Feb 15, 2015 | 20 comments
26. Tell HN: Sorry I broke the server
159 points by dang on Feb 15, 2015 | 64 comments
27. Show HN: Portal - Run apps on your own easy to use cloud server (portalplatform.net)
86 points by staunch on Feb 12, 2015 | 47 comments
28. Bunnyhopping from the Programmer's Perspective (flafla2.github.io)
73 points by louis-paul on Feb 15, 2015 | 31 comments
29. Graham's Number (wikipedia.org)
52 points by grhmc on Feb 15, 2015 | 25 comments
30. The Self-Pipe Trick Explained (sitepoint.com)
74 points by _qc3o on Feb 15, 2015 | 12 comments

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