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Stories from August 17, 2014
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1. Hextris (hextris.github.io)
589 points by kome on Aug 17, 2014 | 92 comments
2. When Patients Read What Their Doctors Write (npr.org)
281 points by mkempe on Aug 17, 2014 | 105 comments
3. Unix Wildcards Gone Wild (defensecode.com)
269 points by 0x0 on Aug 17, 2014 | 51 comments
4. “Prison is a bit like copyright”, says jailed Pirate Bay founder (senficon.eu)
206 points by Garbage on Aug 17, 2014 | 58 comments
5. Spaced Repetition is Awesome (chrisstucchio.com)
188 points by frrp on Aug 17, 2014 | 78 comments
6. NSA's BIOS Backdoor a.k.a. God Mode Malware (infosecinstitute.com)
190 points by notastartup on Aug 17, 2014 | 68 comments
7. Unschooling: The Case for Setting Your Kids Into the Wild (outsideonline.com)
174 points by saadmalik01 on Aug 17, 2014 | 192 comments
8. An Iron Curtain Has Descended Upon Psychopharmacology (slatestarcodex.com)
171 points by yummyfajitas on Aug 17, 2014 | 115 comments
9. Entropy (andrew-hoyer.com)
142 points by justplay on Aug 17, 2014 | 29 comments
10. A Mother’s Journey Through the Unnerving Universe of ‘Unboxing’ Videos (nytimes.com)
132 points by takinola on Aug 17, 2014 | 95 comments
11. Programming in Elixir with the Phoenix Framework (gogogarrett.sexy)
137 points by gogogarrett on Aug 17, 2014 | 26 comments
12. Venture Capitalists Get Paid Well to Lose Money (hbr.org)
106 points by lxm on Aug 17, 2014 | 32 comments
13. Drop that spoon: The truth about breakfast cereals (2010) (theguardian.com)
90 points by 3stripe on Aug 17, 2014 | 97 comments
14. Teaching Is Not a Business (nytimes.com)
85 points by aaronharnly on Aug 17, 2014 | 76 comments
15. A brief history of USB, what it replaced, and what has failed to replace it (arstechnica.com)
88 points by jorgecastillo on Aug 17, 2014 | 52 comments
16. Let's Take a Trip Inside a Power Strip (tomshardware.com)
83 points by loser777 on Aug 17, 2014 | 11 comments
17. CipherShed, the Truecrypt fork (ciphershed.org)
83 points by JoachimS on Aug 17, 2014 | 58 comments
18. Card Trick Leads to New Bound on Data Compression (2010) (technologyreview.com)
80 points by lun4r on Aug 17, 2014 | 23 comments
19. Dissecting Message Queues (bravenewgeek.com)
79 points by swah on Aug 17, 2014 | 15 comments
20. In the Sharing Economy, Workers Find Both Freedom and Uncertainty (nytimes.com)
73 points by kanamekun on Aug 17, 2014 | 62 comments
21. Ask HN: Show us your abandoned (and probably incomplete) side projects
72 points by fotcorn on Aug 17, 2014 | 59 comments
22. Defcon 22 Badge Contest (elegin.com)
68 points by JoachimS on Aug 17, 2014 | 10 comments
23. "Not Rocket Science": The story of Monotone and Bors (graydon.livejournal.com)
71 points by luu on Aug 17, 2014 | 12 comments
24. How Verizon lets its copper network decay to force phone customers onto fiber (arstechnica.com)
70 points by smacktoward on Aug 17, 2014 | 61 comments
25. Red light camera firm paid for Chicago official’s car, condo (arstechnica.com)
72 points by suprgeek on Aug 17, 2014 | 22 comments
26. Imgur, please don't be the next TinyPic or ImageShack (dillpickle.github.io)
63 points by dylz on Aug 17, 2014 | 44 comments
27. American Loneliness (lareviewofbooks.org)
57 points by lxm on Aug 17, 2014 | 5 comments
28. MIT Invents a Shapeshifting Display You Can Reach Through and Touch (fastcodesign.com)
68 points by jekub on Aug 17, 2014 | 7 comments
29. Hexels – a new art tool (hexels.com)
58 points by rinesh on Aug 17, 2014 | 24 comments
30. Mapillary: Crowdsourced Street Photos (mapillary.com)
54 points by superthewuper on Aug 17, 2014 | 12 comments

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