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Stories from December 18, 2013
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1. Sent $35,104.11 USD to CoinBase. Never received Bitcoins
658 points by mgrunin on Dec 18, 2013 | 475 comments
2. Data Structure Visualizations (usfca.edu)
514 points by n008 on Dec 18, 2013 | 35 comments
3. Why I want Bitcoin to die in a fire (antipope.org)
436 points by jagermo on Dec 18, 2013 | 402 comments
4. Saab wins Brazil jets deal after NSA spying sours Boeing bid (reuters.com)
380 points by joshfraser on Dec 18, 2013 | 131 comments
5. RSA Key Extraction via Low-Bandwidth Acoustic Cryptanalysis (tau.ac.il)
344 points by longwave on Dec 18, 2013 | 95 comments
6. $200,000 to the first person to break Telegram (telegram.org)
342 points by helgidub on Dec 18, 2013 | 162 comments
7. A Material Point Method For Snow Simulation (disneyanimation.com)
310 points by fekberg on Dec 18, 2013 | 60 comments
8. oDesk to merge with Elance (odesk.com)
309 points by goblin89 on Dec 18, 2013 | 139 comments
9. Research shows how MacBook Webcams can spy on their users without warning (washingtonpost.com)
301 points by clint on Dec 18, 2013 | 234 comments
10. Bitcoin Private Key Necromancy (pxdojo.net)
199 points by sillysaurus2 on Dec 18, 2013 | 96 comments
11. Rails 4.1.0 beta1 released (rubyonrails.org)
194 points by chancancode on Dec 18, 2013 | 57 comments
12. Unfolding The Box - CSS 3D Transforms in the Box Model (rupl.github.io)
157 points by wittyphrasehere on Dec 18, 2013 | 30 comments
13. Bitcoin, Magical Thinking, and Political Ideology (al3x.net)
152 points by steveklabnik on Dec 18, 2013 | 181 comments
14. Algae to crude oil: Million-year natural process takes minutes in the lab (pnnl.gov)
141 points by nreece on Dec 18, 2013 | 126 comments
15. Nmap team releases 5 gigapixel favicon map (nmap.org)
127 points by unix-junkie on Dec 18, 2013 | 27 comments
16. List of minimalist frameworks (github.com/neiesc)
126 points by neiesc on Dec 18, 2013 | 91 comments
17. Start-up NY: 100% Tax-Free for 10 Years? (startup-ny.com)
131 points by jbarrec on Dec 18, 2013 | 107 comments
18. Coinbase Crosses 650,000 Users (coinbase.com)
121 points by danielpal on Dec 18, 2013 | 118 comments
19. China bans new Bitcoin deposits (ft.com)
121 points by aronvox on Dec 18, 2013 | 121 comments
20. The Right Stuff: Breaking the PageSpeed Barrier with Bootstrap (appneta.com)
118 points by trjordan on Dec 18, 2013 | 33 comments
21. Sublime Text 3 Build 3059 (sublimetext.com)
117 points by dgavrilov on Dec 18, 2013 | 105 comments
22. ‘Superbugs’ found breeding in sewage plants (rice.edu)
115 points by bra-ket on Dec 18, 2013 | 33 comments
23. The Birth of Standard Error (spinellis.gr)
105 points by aminkh on Dec 18, 2013 | 20 comments
24. Reverse Engineering a Furby (poppopret.org)
103 points by Moral_ on Dec 18, 2013 | 26 comments
25. Extreme Programming, a Reflection (8thlight.com)
99 points by joseph_cooney on Dec 18, 2013 | 66 comments
26. Why I create for the web (neave.com)
97 points by dgsiegel on Dec 18, 2013 | 29 comments
27. Netiquette (1995) (ietf.org)
96 points by heretoo on Dec 18, 2013 | 64 comments
28. PS4's LLVM-based Developer Toolchain [pdf] (llvm.org)
95 points by adamnemecek on Dec 18, 2013 | 19 comments
29. Starting Feb 1, new apps and app updates must be optimized for iOS 7 (developer.apple.com)
94 points by trhaynes on Dec 18, 2013 | 85 comments
30. The Law of Leaky Abstractions (2002) (joelonsoftware.com)
87 points by beltsazar on Dec 18, 2013 | 31 comments

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