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Stories from January 1, 2011
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1. Why We Desperately Need a New (and Better) Google (techcrunch.com)
222 points by vyrotek on Jan 1, 2011 | 184 comments
2. Revealed: The guy behind IMDb (alexandrosmaragos.com)
171 points by pielud on Jan 1, 2011 | 40 comments
3. Ask HN: Who's Hiring? (January 2011 Edition)
170 points by scorchin on Jan 1, 2011 | 157 comments
4. Wikipedia Raises $16 Million to Remain Ad-Free (readwriteweb.com)
158 points by rwwmike on Jan 1, 2011 | 130 comments
5. Charlie Stross: Reasons to be Cheerful (antipope.org)
133 points by bkudria on Jan 1, 2011 | 28 comments
6. Ask HN: Who Is Hiring Remote Workers? (January 2011 Edition)
130 points by charlesdm on Jan 1, 2011 | 73 comments
7. Review of the 11" MacBook Air (mattgemmell.com)
106 points by flapjack on Jan 1, 2011 | 82 comments
8. Calories, fat or carbohydrates? Why diets work (when they do) (garytaubes.com)
97 points by kareemm on Jan 1, 2011 | 53 comments
9. Mozilla’s Rejection of NativeClient Hurts the Open Web (chadaustin.me)
85 points by chadaustin on Jan 1, 2011 | 101 comments
10. Best Website Designs of 2010 (line25.com)
81 points by d4 on Jan 1, 2011 | 41 comments
11. How my iPhone made me miss my first flight of the year (helmutgranda.com)
79 points by helmutgranda on Jan 1, 2011 | 67 comments
12. Hacker Monthly #8 is here. (hackermonthly.com)
75 points by bearwithclaws on Jan 1, 2011 | 7 comments
13. Learn HTML5 from Google (html5rocks.com)
74 points by rafaelc on Jan 1, 2011 | 6 comments
14. Ask HN: Who's Hiring? (Jan '11 H1b/International Edition)
71 points by agentx on Jan 1, 2011 | 15 comments
15. Khan Introduction to VC Investing and Startups (khanacademy.org)
67 points by codejoust on Jan 1, 2011 | 11 comments
16. The project manager from hell (integrates with Git) (github.com/michaeldv)
68 points by smalltalk on Jan 1, 2011 | 11 comments
17. Open Source Cola (wikipedia.org)
69 points by zachallaun on Jan 1, 2011 | 14 comments
18. Announcing cross_fuzz, a potential 0-day in circulation, and more (lcamtuf.blogspot.com)
65 points by mattyb on Jan 1, 2011 | 23 comments
19. By becoming a cook, you can leave processed foods behind (nytimes.com)
63 points by robg on Jan 1, 2011 | 71 comments
20. C Macro Tips and Tricks (mikeash.com)
62 points by yan on Jan 1, 2011 | 12 comments
21. Confession: I am Facebook Login Scum (whattofix.com)
59 points by DanielBMarkham on Jan 1, 2011 | 40 comments
22. Zing - A JVM for virtualized x86 platforms with pauseless GC (azulsystems.com)
59 points by cgbystrom on Jan 1, 2011 | 25 comments
23. What was it like to fly the Concorde (concordesst.com)
59 points by siddhant on Jan 1, 2011 | 23 comments
24. Gary Taubes: The Inanity of Overeating (garytaubes.com)
55 points by cwan on Jan 1, 2011 | 76 comments
25. Show HN: Wrote Arduino ruby prototyping API gem on new year (my first gem) (akash.im)
51 points by SingAlong on Jan 1, 2011 | 10 comments
26. New Years Resolution: Learn (e)Lisp? (gist.github.com)
50 points by gordonguthrie on Jan 1, 2011 | 27 comments
27. Happy Prime Year (pressbin.com)
47 points by jawns on Jan 1, 2011 | 13 comments
28. Google sent him a CR 48 with Windows 7 On It (mustangevolution.com)
46 points by bcrawl on Jan 1, 2011 | 16 comments
29. Xbox Kinnect user experiencing an afterimage. (gaming.stackexchange.com)
41 points by piaskal on Jan 1, 2011 | 20 comments
30. Message Passing, Duck Typing, Object Composition, and not Inheritance (fitzgeraldnick.com)
35 points by mnemonik on Jan 1, 2011 | 11 comments

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