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Stories from December 21, 2009
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1. The Elves Leave Middle Earth – Sodas Are No Longer Free (steveblank.com)
327 points by icey on Dec 21, 2009 | 226 comments
2. How Duke Nukem Forever Failed: Unlimited time, budget and ambition (wired.com)
270 points by TrevorBurnham on Dec 21, 2009 | 75 comments
3. Sugar: The Bitter Truth (UCSF lecture) (youtube.com)
153 points by chipsy on Dec 21, 2009 | 86 comments
4. The official term for the smell after it rains (wikipedia.org)
148 points by scorxn on Dec 21, 2009 | 36 comments
5. Why the HTML5 ‘Video’ Element Is Effectively Unusable (daringfireball.net)
142 points by barredo on Dec 21, 2009 | 77 comments
6. Startup Therapy: Questions to ask yourself every month (asmartbear.com)
125 points by charliepark on Dec 21, 2009 | 8 comments
7. The Worst Ideas of the Decade - Sarbanes-Oxley (washingtonpost.com)
96 points by chwolfe on Dec 21, 2009 | 55 comments
8. Yelp Walks Away From Google Deal, And Half A Billion Dollars (techcrunch.com)
90 points by vaksel on Dec 21, 2009 | 55 comments
9. How to say nothing in 500 words (apostate.com)
71 points by jonp on Dec 21, 2009 | 18 comments
10. How to obtain and install an SSL/TSL certificate, for free (arstechnica.com)
69 points by abraham on Dec 21, 2009 | 28 comments
11. Google Taps StackOverflow as Official Android Dev Support (readwriteweb.com)
68 points by jot on Dec 21, 2009 | 19 comments
12. Faster, NASA, Faster (nytimes.com)
67 points by vorador on Dec 21, 2009 | 51 comments
13. Setting up Clojure, Incanter, Emacs, Slime, Swank, and Paredit (incanter-blog.org)
66 points by fogus on Dec 21, 2009 | 3 comments
14. Trading Shares in Milliseconds (technologyreview.com)
64 points by raju on Dec 21, 2009 | 30 comments
15. Use rsync to deploy your website (breckyunits.com)
58 points by breck on Dec 21, 2009 | 46 comments
16. 2009: The Year in Haskell (haskellwebnews.wordpress.com)
60 points by dons on Dec 21, 2009 | 5 comments
17. JavaScript charting tools: an overview (open-lab.com)
58 points by ppolsinelli on Dec 21, 2009 | 12 comments
18. Tell HN: Cinch, W7-like window management for OSX (irradiatedsoftware.com)
54 points by pxlpshr on Dec 21, 2009 | 39 comments
19. Why Basic is Still Relevant (sourceforge.net)
51 points by fogus on Dec 21, 2009 | 44 comments
20. The meaning of open (googleblog.blogspot.com)
45 points by pavs on Dec 21, 2009 | 18 comments
21. Automated to Death? (ieee.org)
43 points by pieceofpeace on Dec 21, 2009 | 21 comments
22. Million Dollar Math Problem (failuremag.com)
43 points by jason_tko on Dec 21, 2009 | 4 comments
23. Why would Google not pay as little tax as possible? (techcrunch.com)
43 points by swombat on Dec 21, 2009 | 52 comments
24. The Difference between $1 Billion-Plus in Exits and “Success” (techcrunch.com)
42 points by cwan on Dec 21, 2009 | 5 comments
25. Generic Actions in Rails 3 (yehudakatz.com)
43 points by ivey on Dec 21, 2009 | 10 comments
26. Startup Tips from Jay-Z (rjmetrics.com)
42 points by robertjmoore on Dec 21, 2009 | 7 comments
27. Clojure’s :pre and :post (fogus.me)
39 points by bgray on Dec 21, 2009 | 1 comment
28. SBCL LLVM (or.cz)
38 points by fogus on Dec 21, 2009 | 7 comments
29. Gravity Well - beautiful interactive artwork (incl. source code) (openprocessing.org)
38 points by markerdmann on Dec 21, 2009 | 3 comments
30. Tell HN: Happy Solstice (wikipedia.org)
37 points by kf on Dec 21, 2009 | 19 comments

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