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The Elusive Computer Monograph Number 11 (fogus.me)
29 points by kencausey 35 days ago | past | 1 comment
Perlis Languages (2011) (fogus.me)
2 points by tosh 4 months ago | past
Fogus' best things and stuff of 2023 (fogus.me)
2 points by fogus 6 months ago | past
The Best Things and Stuff of 2023 (fogus.me)
2 points by rgrieselhuber 6 months ago | past
The best things and stuff of 2023 (fogus.me)
3 points by geospeck 6 months ago | past
Six Works of Computer Science-Fiction (2015) (fogus.me)
2 points by __rito__ 11 months ago | past
Languages Zoo (fogus.me)
44 points by todsacerdoti on June 7, 2023 | past | 2 comments
RIP, Prince Joli Quentin Kansil (Jan. 27, 1943 – Mar 27, 2023) (fogus.me)
2 points by akkartik on April 10, 2023 | past
Code Riffs (fogus.me)
27 points by janvdberg on Jan 6, 2023 | past | 2 comments
Zendo (2014) (fogus.me)
1 point by fogus on Jan 4, 2023 | past
The best things and stuff of 2022 (fogus.me)
255 points by rgrieselhuber on Dec 13, 2022 | past | 47 comments
The German School of Lisp (2011) (fogus.me)
148 points by tosh on Nov 12, 2022 | past | 72 comments
The one about Lisp interactivity (fogus.me)
107 points by lycopodiopsida on Nov 11, 2022 | past | 49 comments
The 100:10:1 method: my approach to open source (fogus.me)
1 point by tosh on Oct 16, 2022 | past
The 100:10:1 method: my approach to open source (2015) (fogus.me)
2 points by memorable on Aug 31, 2022 | past
The Ecology of a Corporate IT Workplace (fogus.me)
40 points by iloverss on Aug 22, 2022 | past | 5 comments
An introduction to deep code-walking macros with Clojure (2013) (fogus.me)
76 points by fogus on June 21, 2022 | past | 6 comments
The Best Things and Stuff of 2021 (fogus.me)
262 points by bvaldivielso on Dec 27, 2021 | past | 23 comments
Thunks – a place to think through ideas still forming (fogus.me)
1 point by grzm on Nov 19, 2021 | past
Pascal at Apple (fogus.me)
3 points by rcarmo on Oct 4, 2021 | past
Technical Papers Every Programmer Should Read (At Least Twice) (2011) (fogus.me)
1 point by codesections on July 22, 2021 | past
Clojure builds as an amalgamation of orthogonal parts (fogus.me)
122 points by fogus on July 20, 2021 | past | 96 comments
Programming language development: the past 5 years (2011) (fogus.me)
1 point by tosh on May 27, 2021 | past
Clojure Core (fogus.me)
167 points by tosh on Jan 15, 2021 | past | 40 comments
ToriLisp – an ersatz Lisp for tiny birds (fogus.me)
71 points by grzm on Jan 1, 2021 | past | 15 comments
The best things and stuff of 2020 (fogus.me)
173 points by geospeck on Dec 31, 2020 | past | 37 comments
ToriLisp – an ersatz Lisp for tiny birds (fogus.me)
4 points by grzm on Dec 22, 2020 | past
8-Bit Spirituals (fogus.me)
26 points by kencausey on May 30, 2020 | past | 3 comments
8-Bit Spirituals (fogus.me)
2 points by ingve on May 29, 2020 | past
8-Bit Spirituals (fogus.me)
3 points by kencausey on May 20, 2020 | past

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