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Stories from July 11, 2009
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1. Trent Reznor: What to do as a new/unknown artist (nin.com)
150 points by KC8ZKF on July 11, 2009 | 28 comments
2. Paint that turns walls (or any surface) into a whiteboard. (ideapaint.com)
112 points by fnazeeri on July 11, 2009 | 67 comments
3. Mastering The Fourier Transform in One Day (dspdimension.com)
104 points by profquail on July 11, 2009 | 18 comments
4. Google's Microsoft Moment (dashes.com)
79 points by blasdel on July 11, 2009 | 35 comments
5. Rewriting Clojure in Clojure (n01se.net)
75 points by drewr on July 11, 2009
6. Extreme thinking, by Michael A. Nielsen (michaelnielsen.org)
73 points by zkz on July 11, 2009 | 10 comments
7. German parliament passes Internet censorship bill (theinquirer.net)
50 points by arthurk on July 11, 2009 | 40 comments
8. Ex-HTML (dbaron.org)
48 points by mbrubeck on July 11, 2009 | 3 comments
9. Mythryl Programming Language (mythryl.org)
44 points by lg on July 11, 2009 | 43 comments
10. The Spiritual Center Of the Earth (1999) (sfgate.com)
42 points by mariorz on July 11, 2009 | 26 comments
11. Imageshack.us being hacked ?
39 points by lamnk on July 11, 2009 | 13 comments
12. Coding a Clean & Illustrative Web Design from Scratch (sixrevisions.com)
38 points by profquail on July 11, 2009 | 9 comments
13. The Google Revenue Equation, and Why Google’s Building Chrome OS (mashable.com)
35 points by anulman on July 11, 2009 | 8 comments
14. Getting Into Games -- A Follow-up (entertainingcode.com)
35 points by sliced_lime on July 11, 2009 | 7 comments
15. Why don't we try to destroy tropical cyclones by nuking them? (noaa.gov)
31 points by rglovejoy on July 11, 2009 | 39 comments
16. Great Hacker != Great Hire (2004) (ericsink.com)
29 points by wyday on July 11, 2009 | 12 comments
17. The Black Triangle (2004) (rampantgames.com)
29 points by emontero1 on July 11, 2009 | 10 comments
18. Follow-up on the 'Firefox v3.5 fiasco' (asp.net)
29 points by soundsop on July 11, 2009 | 18 comments
19. Imageshack hacked (examiner.com)
27 points by arihelgason on July 11, 2009 | 17 comments
20. When things aren’t working, think “smarter” not “louder”. (sivers.org)
27 points by laktek on July 11, 2009 | 10 comments
21. Jaws Wired Shut: The culinary adventures of a fractured jaw patient (jawswiredshut.tumblr.com)
23 points by kf on July 11, 2009 | 6 comments
22. Only 6 of the 20 largest software companies are in Silicon Valley (scotchi.net)
22 points by wheels on July 11, 2009 | 38 comments
23. Unlike Android, the iPhone can’t scale, says Google (ft.com)
20 points by Anon84 on July 11, 2009 | 25 comments
24. Scamming the scammer (419eater.com)
20 points by vijayr on July 11, 2009 | 9 comments
25. Ask HN: Should I get U.S. citizenship?
20 points by mannicken on July 11, 2009 | 31 comments
26. A Browser Is a Search Engine (googlesystem.blogspot.com)
18 points by vaksel on July 11, 2009 | 6 comments
27. Page views required to generate $1M in ad revenue (dondodge.typepad.com)
18 points by satyajit on July 11, 2009 | 4 comments
28. Hacker Housing: Open Spot in the SF 'Hacker House' Starting in Early August
17 points by johndevor on July 11, 2009 | 10 comments
29. Install a drain heat recovery unit: worth the effort? (pingswept.org)
17 points by jgamman on July 11, 2009 | 3 comments
30. Apple to Build $1B Server Farm in North Carolina (charlotteobserver.com)
17 points by profquail on July 11, 2009 | 6 comments

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