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Stories from January 17, 2009
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31. Ask HN: Are you still planning to make big money?
11 points by snitko on Jan 17, 2009 | 2 comments
32. Mockups To Go - User Contributed Compositions (Balsamiq) (mockupstogo.net)
11 points by timf on Jan 17, 2009 | 7 comments
33. Conways' Law (wikipedia.org)
10 points by rgrieselhuber on Jan 17, 2009 | 2 comments
34. Basic Thinking (German TC) Sells for $62k (centernetworks.com)
10 points by pclark on Jan 17, 2009 | 11 comments
35. YouTube rolling out download links for videos (lessig.org)
10 points by jamesjyu on Jan 17, 2009 | 1 comment
36. Romance Really Is A Game - And Game Theory Will Give You Some Answers (scientificblogging.com)
9 points by mixmax on Jan 17, 2009
37. Ask HN: What's the state of the web in your (non-English) language?
9 points by iamelgringo on Jan 17, 2009 | 4 comments
38. Null References: The Billion Dollar Mistake (qconlondon.com)
7 points by drinian on Jan 17, 2009
39. Ask HN: How do you start something?
7 points by z3r0p4r4d0x on Jan 17, 2009 | 6 comments
40. Boxee, Used to View Web on TV, Generates Buzz (nytimes.com)
7 points by bootload on Jan 17, 2009 | 2 comments
41. Return to D.I.Y Ethic Erodes Service Businesses (nytimes.com)
6 points by echair on Jan 17, 2009
42. The German economy, Europe's biggest, could shrink by 2.5 percent this year (nytimes.com)
6 points by pg on Jan 17, 2009 | 1 comment
43. Tell HN: an important difference between SV and Boston
6 points by aaronblohowiak on Jan 17, 2009 | 4 comments
44. Is Computer Science a science? [pdf] (gmu.edu)
6 points by mdasen on Jan 17, 2009 | 7 comments
45. Ask HN: promoting an open source product?
6 points by DarkShikari on Jan 17, 2009 | 8 comments
46. Secretive intelligence court upholds warrantless wiretaps (arstechnica.com)
5 points by chaostheory on Jan 17, 2009
47. U.S. VC Investment Down 8% in 2008. Last Quarter Slowest Since 2005 (investors.com)
5 points by crocus on Jan 17, 2009 | 3 comments
48. Lists of allegedly illegal websites always leak (wikileaks.org)
4 points by markup on Jan 17, 2009
49. Q&A with a Twitter technologist: ‘Think: we’re a startup’ (zdnet.com)
4 points by wheels on Jan 17, 2009
50. An example of ATC handling a bird strike (10m video) (youtube.com)
4 points by celoyd on Jan 17, 2009 | 1 comment
51. Who you are and what you do (sethgodin.typepad.com)
4 points by qhoxie on Jan 17, 2009
52. Chaotic Flow, Focus, and Interrupts (sifter.org)
4 points by mlLK on Jan 17, 2009
53. A Cheap, Easy, and Scandinavian WiFi Antenna. (fakeproject.com)
4 points by crocus on Jan 17, 2009
54. IDEO to redesign BugBase user experience (bugblogger.com)
4 points by pclark on Jan 17, 2009 | 3 comments
55. Coast Guard video of the moment the plane "landed" on the Hudson. (bbc.co.uk)
4 points by RiderOfGiraffes on Jan 17, 2009 | 2 comments
56. Is art a product of evolution? (barnesandnoble.com)
3 points by echair on Jan 17, 2009 | 2 comments
57. Creative Commons Documentary on White Phosphorous Usage in Gaza (aljazeera.net)
3 points by ComputerGuru on Jan 17, 2009 | 1 comment
58. Bare WSGI vs. Python frameworks - Django chapter (opera.com)
3 points by apgwoz on Jan 17, 2009
59. Ask YC: Good resources to learn about lead generation?
3 points by brm on Jan 17, 2009 | 1 comment
60. When good assumptions go bad (businessofsoftware.org)
3 points by d0mine on Jan 17, 2009

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