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Stories from January 18, 2009
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1. Why Google Employees Quit (techcrunch.com)
202 points by peter123 on Jan 18, 2009 | 98 comments
2. Why Hacker News Thinks PHP Won Something (gilesbowkett.blogspot.com)
99 points by gaika on Jan 18, 2009 | 80 comments
3. JQuery is a monad (importantshock.wordpress.com)
78 points by henning on Jan 18, 2009 | 15 comments
4. The lost cult of Microsoft program managers (scottberkun.com)
67 points by anuraggoel on Jan 18, 2009 | 5 comments
5. A Gentle Introduction to Programming Using Python (ocw.mit.edu)
68 points by Rod on Jan 18, 2009 | 25 comments
6. Mind Hacks: Breaking the news of Eliza's creator's death to her (mindhacks.com)
64 points by frisco on Jan 18, 2009 | 6 comments
7. Evolving a better keyboard layout (klausler.com)
58 points by bdfh42 on Jan 18, 2009 | 24 comments
8. The week Garfield died. Analysis & comics (zachwhalen.net)
52 points by ericholscher on Jan 18, 2009 | 27 comments
9. Free bananas in the kitchen!!! (what happens when reply-all goes amok) (metafilter.com)
51 points by bd on Jan 18, 2009 | 27 comments
10. Full-Time Startup: Skribit Week 2 (paulstamatiou.com)
46 points by twampss on Jan 18, 2009 | 4 comments
11. Ask HN: What unlocks with karma, and when?
44 points by frisco on Jan 18, 2009 | 59 comments
12. Ask HN: I have three good ideas. Help me choose idea 1, 2, or 3.
43 points by nailer on Jan 18, 2009 | 57 comments
13. The Healthiest Foods for Under $1 (divinecaroline.com)
34 points by jwilliams on Jan 18, 2009 | 39 comments
14. Nerd Merit Badges: 01 - Contribute to an Open Source Project (nerdmeritbadges.com)
29 points by tlrobinson on Jan 18, 2009 | 19 comments
15. How To Use Amazon EC2 for Bittorrent (negatendo.net)
26 points by mqt on Jan 18, 2009 | 24 comments
16. Neat data structure: "Ullman" set (onebadseed.com)
26 points by amastilovic on Jan 18, 2009 | 8 comments
17. Django vs. Rails: The Dead-Tree Edition (push.cx)
26 points by pushcx on Jan 18, 2009 | 35 comments
18. Interesting ad seeking Lisp developers (not 'mere coders') (getafreelancer.com)
22 points by anuraggoel on Jan 18, 2009 | 28 comments
19. Selflessness vs Selfishness (avc.com)
22 points by peter123 on Jan 18, 2009 | 35 comments
20. Are you human? How CAPTCHA asks the wrong question & solves nothing (slash7.com)
23 points by ahoyhere on Jan 18, 2009 | 12 comments
21. Why VCs Will Block Good Exits (angelblog.net)
22 points by prakash on Jan 18, 2009 | 22 comments
22. The iPhone Could Be The Ultimate Study Machine (techcrunch.com)
17 points by pclark on Jan 18, 2009 | 13 comments
23. Ask HN: Do you program in black or white?
16 points by Jakob on Jan 18, 2009 | 40 comments
24. Test Subjects Who Call the Scientist Mom or Dad (nytimes.com)
16 points by robg on Jan 18, 2009 | 7 comments
25. Sexual Suicide (palomar.edu)
14 points by markessien on Jan 18, 2009 | 4 comments
26. Ask HN: Looking for feedback on side-project
14 points by dfens on Jan 18, 2009 | 13 comments
27. Don’t live with a broken IDE (elfsternberg.com)
13 points by nreece on Jan 18, 2009 | 9 comments
28. YouTube is morphing into a popular search engine and a new entry point into the Web. (nytimes.com)
12 points by mercurio on Jan 18, 2009 | 6 comments
29. Why do professors deplore enterprise? (tigerhawk.blogspot.com)
11 points by makimaki on Jan 18, 2009 | 12 comments
30. ZumoDrive announces pricing (and it's cheaper than it seemed) (zumodrive.com)
11 points by pg on Jan 18, 2009 | 13 comments

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