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Stories from December 11, 2008
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1. Scientists extract images directly from brain (pinktentacle.com)
126 points by kf on Dec 11, 2008 | 56 comments
2. Number Spiral - When You Chart a Number System, Patterns Emerge (numberspiral.com)
79 points by bdfh42 on Dec 11, 2008 | 13 comments
3. Why you should let Google host jQuery for you (encosia.com)
76 points by jwilliams on Dec 11, 2008 | 61 comments
4. Obscene Losses: How YouPorn is Killing the Adult Entertainment Business (portfolio.com)
70 points by jorgeortiz85 on Dec 11, 2008 | 48 comments
5. Physics Nobel Prize Winner Steven Chu Nominated to be Secretary of Energy (discovermagazine.com)
62 points by Anon84 on Dec 11, 2008 | 18 comments
6. Employees Suck (slideshare.net)
56 points by nside on Dec 11, 2008 | 24 comments
7. A list of 1 way to get rich in the construction industry (woobius.com)
57 points by swombat on Dec 11, 2008 | 22 comments
8. Smart people are drunks (drinksafterdark.com)
53 points by bd on Dec 11, 2008 | 63 comments
9. Stephen Fry on the iPhone, Bold, Storm, and G1 (stephenfry.com)
52 points by ComputerGuru on Dec 11, 2008 | 9 comments
10. Google Chrome Officially Out of Beta (googleblog.blogspot.com)
50 points by mqt on Dec 11, 2008 | 35 comments
11. James Siminoff: I would create a fully self contained incubator (jamessiminoff.com)
46 points by jkopelman on Dec 11, 2008 | 55 comments
12. Why Subversion does not suck (assembla.com)
45 points by asinglenet on Dec 11, 2008 | 38 comments
13. Legal Suicide for Web start-ups: A beginner's guide (cnet.com)
44 points by ALee on Dec 11, 2008 | 12 comments
14. Why asset bubbles are a part of the human condition that regulation can’t cure (theatlantic.com)
44 points by robg on Dec 11, 2008 | 33 comments
15. Apple working on 3D Mac OS X user interface (images) (appleinsider.com)
43 points by twampss on Dec 11, 2008 | 28 comments
16. Evernote + Eye-Fi = Instant Photographic Memory (evernote.com)
39 points by raju on Dec 11, 2008 | 21 comments
17. David Karp's Tumblr raises $4.5 Million (allthingsd.com)
36 points by pakafka on Dec 11, 2008 | 14 comments
18. Remembering the Good Days at Bell Labs (gwdg.de)
32 points by parenthesis on Dec 11, 2008 | 13 comments
19. YouTube Videos Are Pulling in Serious Money (nytimes.com)
33 points by peter123 on Dec 11, 2008 | 6 comments
20. Coding Horror: My Scaling Hero (codinghorror.com)
28 points by twampss on Dec 11, 2008 | 5 comments
21. Funding an "Adult Oriented" start-up?
28 points by nora on Dec 11, 2008 | 42 comments
22. IronPython 2.0 is released (codeplex.com)
27 points by alexkay on Dec 11, 2008 | 2 comments
23. Logging and Learning (tom.posterous.com)
26 points by dcurtis on Dec 11, 2008 | 6 comments
24. Pros and Cons of Building a Site around FBConnect (troggerpath.wordpress.com)
25 points by ChristianPerry on Dec 11, 2008 | 7 comments
25. Lxml: an underappreciated web scraping library (ianbicking.org)
24 points by astrec on Dec 11, 2008 | 6 comments
26. Crash the Inauguration: How to Be at the Woodstock of Washington (crashtheinauguration.com)
22 points by brianchesky on Dec 11, 2008 | 8 comments
27. On Procrastination (newsweek.com)
23 points by raleec on Dec 11, 2008 | 7 comments
28. Multi-threaded Emacs discussion (lists.gnu.org)
21 points by apgwoz on Dec 11, 2008 | 4 comments
29. Google's Secret Weapon: MapReduce (hbsp.com)
22 points by hellacious on Dec 11, 2008 | 19 comments
30. Your amazing brain: Top 10 articles from 2008 (newscientist.com)
20 points by robg on Dec 11, 2008 | 2 comments

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