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Stories from February 8, 2008
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1. Web applications suck and they’re not worth creating (metacircular.wordpress.com)
48 points by iamelgringo on Feb 8, 2008 | 61 comments
2. Arc's Unicode support (by the news.yc patch writer) (collison.ie)
39 points by kul on Feb 8, 2008 | 14 comments
3. Ask Hackers: Opinions on OCaml?
35 points by yters on Feb 8, 2008 | 41 comments
4. The Years of Experience Myth (codinghorror.com)
27 points by getp on Feb 8, 2008 | 14 comments
5. Teaching, Playing, and Programming: Ten Years of Purely Functional Data Structures (okasaki.blogspot.com)
22 points by apgwoz on Feb 8, 2008 | 2 comments
6. The Erlang Challenge (yarivsblog.com)
21 points by tb on Feb 8, 2008 | 22 comments
7. Cringely on Microsoft-Yahoo: Yahoo Needs Courage, Microsoft Needs a Heart (pbs.org)
17 points by sutro on Feb 8, 2008 | 1 comment
8. Martin Fowler: Cheaper Talent Hypothesis (martinfowler.com)
16 points by luccastera on Feb 8, 2008 | 4 comments
9. Microsoft to acquire Ustream.tv for $50 million? (techcrunch.com)
15 points by kevTheDev on Feb 8, 2008 | 3 comments
10. Ask YC: Scaling questions.
15 points by izak30 on Feb 8, 2008 | 24 comments
11. The Arc Challenge Explained (jgc.org)
13 points by jgrahamc on Feb 8, 2008 | 3 comments
12. Yahoo Board To Determine Fate Of Company Today (techcrunch.com)
14 points by jmorin007 on Feb 8, 2008 | 5 comments
13. Automatic writing (guardian.co.uk)
14 points by edu on Feb 8, 2008 | 7 comments
14. "Many communities dream of becoming the next Silicon Valley. This one is actually doing it." (nytimes.com)
14 points by webwright on Feb 8, 2008 | 9 comments
15. Guitar Hero Game... Using Real Guitars (gizmodo.com)
14 points by chaostheory on Feb 8, 2008 | 3 comments
16. How to tie world's fastest shoelace knot (fieggen.com)
12 points by bootload on Feb 8, 2008 | 11 comments
17. Is Twitter Down? (istwitterdown.com)
11 points by joshwa on Feb 8, 2008 | 5 comments
18. Poorly-written software makes 100 million+ DTD requests/day to w3.org (w3.org)
11 points by edw519 on Feb 8, 2008 | 2 comments
19. Startup Plans to Solve Online Identity Theft, But Does Anyone Care? (wired.com)
10 points by terpua on Feb 8, 2008
20. XHTML 2 vs HTML 5 (immike.net)
10 points by PStamatiou on Feb 8, 2008 | 3 comments
21. "People writing Rails apps without tests are idiots." (karmalab.org)
10 points by pius on Feb 8, 2008 | 15 comments
22. Ten ideas about Ideas (old but interesting) (linuxjournal.com)
9 points by nreece on Feb 8, 2008
23. Heroku gets a shoutout on the official Rails blog (rubyonrails.com)
9 points by pius on Feb 8, 2008
24. Why DTrace Makes Leopard a Must-Have Upgrade (nicksieger.com)
8 points by pius on Feb 8, 2008 | 1 comment
25. Memory savings with magic trampolines in Mono (advogato.org)
8 points by jey on Feb 8, 2008 | 2 comments
26. Rumor: Plaxo Sold to Google for $200M? (wired.com)
8 points by __ on Feb 8, 2008
27. Biofuels Deemed a Greenhouse Threat (nytimes.com)
7 points by garbowza on Feb 8, 2008
28. Ask YC: what's the most technically impressive startup you remember from recent memory
7 points by rkabir on Feb 8, 2008 | 13 comments
29. Ask YC: Which is easier to deploy/maintain: Python or Ruby apps?
7 points by rob on Feb 8, 2008 | 14 comments
30. The Economist dissolves the conspiracy theories on the undersea Internet cables (economist.com)
7 points by cawel on Feb 8, 2008 | 3 comments

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