61. | | Automatic tagging with ruby (zenmachine.wordpress.com) |
1 point by lucindo on Jan 3, 2008
62. | | A reverse engineer finds Kindle's hidden features (news.com) |
1 point by iamelgringo on Jan 3, 2008
63. | | Thought OLPC would spread Linux to third world kids? You've been had. (itwire.com) |
1 point by asciilifeform on Jan 3, 2008
64. | | I want to give credit...but? (abmw.wordpress.com) |
1 point by drm237 on Jan 3, 2008
65. | | A simpler business plan for startups (bplans.com) |
1 point by monumentvalley on Jan 3, 2008
66. | | Location-Based Services: Hype or Hope? (blindside.org.uk) |
1 point by iamwil on Jan 3, 2008
67. | | More fun with the Wiimote - Minority Report UI (youtube.com) |
1 point by drm237 on Jan 3, 2008
68. | | RFID Helps Surgeons Keep Foreign Objects Out of Chest Cavities (cio.com) |
1 point by AZA43 on Jan 3, 2008
69. | | 3 Bites of Wisdom from Barksdale (former CEO of Netscape) (foundread.com) |
1 point by transburgh on Jan 3, 2008
70. | | Solar/Thermal power station in Nevada uses molten salt as a battery (news.com) |
1 point by iamelgringo on Jan 3, 2008
71. | | Physics: Why Is There Something Rather Than Nothing? (cosmicvariance.com) |
1 point by hhm on Jan 3, 2008
72. | | Sears installing spyware on customers' computers (ca.com) |
1 point by theoneill on Jan 3, 2008
73. | | You Can't Sell Dead Products (howtosplitanatom.com) |
1 point by socalsamba on Jan 3, 2008
74. | | A Heart-to-Heart with GigaOM Readers (gigaom.com) |
1 point by nickb on Jan 3, 2008
75. | | Resources for the Entrepreneur (web.mit.edu) |
1 point by dood on Jan 3, 2008
76. | | Introducing Papers... Your personal library of science (mekentosj.com) |
1 point by terpua on Jan 3, 2008
77. | | Need a German translation of a site |
1 point by davidw on Jan 3, 2008 | 2 comments
78. | | Startup LimeAll launches its services (limeall.com) |
1 point by limeall on Jan 3, 2008
79. | | Should you become a scientist? (preposterousuniverse.blogspot.com) |
1 point by hhm on Jan 3, 2008 | 3 comments
80. | | So you've got a business idea... Now what? (partnerup.com) |
1 point by terpua on Jan 3, 2008 | 1 comment
81. | | The Weather Channel On The Market For $5 Billion+ (techcrunch.com) |
1 point by transburgh on Jan 3, 2008
82. | | 100 M&A Deals. 100 Startup Lessons (foundread.com) |
1 point by transburgh on Jan 3, 2008
83. | | The big problem of advertisement: Us (alwaysnewmistakes.wordpress.com) |
1 point by abarrera on Jan 3, 2008
84. | | Privacy Is Doomed (fourreasonswhy.com) |
1 point by buckpost on Jan 3, 2008
85. | | Who was this man? (fridayreflections.typepad.com) |
1 point by nsimpson on Jan 3, 2008
86. | | NYU must become a football powerhouse to keep America out of more wars. (isteve.blogspot.com) |
1 point by phony_identity on Jan 3, 2008 | 2 comments
87. | | When Nano-Wires Explode (io9.com) |
1 point by nickb on Jan 3, 2008
88. | | DataPortability.org - Share and remix data using open standards (dataportability.org) |
1 point by nickb on Jan 3, 2008
89. | | David Byrne and Thom Yorke on the Real Value of Music (wired.com) |
1 point by nickb on Jan 3, 2008
90. | | Iowa caucuses 101: Arcane rules have huge impact on outcome (cnn.com) |
1 point by terpua on Jan 3, 2008 | 4 comments
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