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Stories from October 17, 2007
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1. YC: What No Means (foundersatwork.com)
61 points by niels on Oct 17, 2007 | 14 comments
2. Driving from New York to LA in 32 Hours or Less (wired.com)
46 points by karzeem on Oct 17, 2007 | 9 comments
3. Apple: iPhone SDK officially available in February (apple.com)
39 points by jsjenkins168 on Oct 17, 2007 | 15 comments
4. Ask YC: Experiences with founder burnout?
37 points by h34t on Oct 17, 2007 | 38 comments
5. Commodity Web Startups (personal reflections on a web startup's fundraising) (stubbleblog.com)
34 points by mattculbreth on Oct 17, 2007 | 9 comments
6. Before you read the YC email or answer PG call, read this.
31 points by rokhayakebe on Oct 17, 2007 | 34 comments
7. USPTO Rejects Amazon's One-Click Patent (igdmlgd.blogspot.com)
28 points by nickb on Oct 17, 2007 | 11 comments
8. Microsoft to Productize and Integrate F# with Visual Studio (msdn.com)
18 points by stuki on Oct 17, 2007 | 4 comments
9. Ask YC: What was your first computer?
14 points by altay on Oct 17, 2007 | 79 comments
10. Version Control and "the 80%" (red-bean.com)
15 points by nickb on Oct 17, 2007 | 6 comments
11. Radiohead's Warm Glow (or how economists don't understand tipping) (nytimes.com)
15 points by chaostheory on Oct 17, 2007 | 16 comments
12. Google, Apple and the future of personal computing (roughtype.com)
16 points by davidw on Oct 17, 2007 | 6 comments
13. Search Engine Marketeers are the new script kiddies (justinsomnia.org)
15 points by rams on Oct 17, 2007 | 7 comments
14. Dispensing with a Co-founder
14 points by revolvingcur on Oct 17, 2007 | 26 comments
15. Silicon Valley Start-Ups Awash in Dollars, Again (nytimes.com)
7 points by ed on Oct 17, 2007 | 7 comments
16. An Introductory Guide to Startup Funding (instigatorblog.com)
12 points by drm237 on Oct 17, 2007
17. It is an interesting concept but why are efficient houses ugly as sin? (rocioromero.com)
11 points by bmaier on Oct 17, 2007 | 19 comments
18. How does this compare to Arc? (sourceforge.net)
11 points by jimbokun on Oct 17, 2007 | 5 comments
19. Phone credit low? Africans go for "beeping" (usabilitynews.com)
11 points by bootload on Oct 17, 2007 | 12 comments
20. Develop Lisp applications using the Cusp Eclipse plug-in (ibm.com)
10 points by nickb on Oct 17, 2007 | 3 comments
21. EFF Publishes Patent Hit List (wired.com)
9 points by bootload on Oct 17, 2007
22. Hack: Set the "Ready Message" on HP printers to INSERT COIN (kovaya.com)
8 points by nickb on Oct 17, 2007 | 2 comments
23. Boston: The Hidden Hub of Music and Technology (xconomy.com)
7 points by ivankirigin on Oct 17, 2007
24. Sample VC Legal Templates (nvca.org)
7 points by mattculbreth on Oct 17, 2007 | 1 comment
25. The only thing worse than flying is open source code (theregister.co.uk)
7 points by drm237 on Oct 17, 2007
26. Life Before Google. (kontsevoy.blogspot.com)
7 points by tx on Oct 17, 2007 | 9 comments
27. Dot-com fever stirs sense of deja vu (iht.com)
7 points by spking on Oct 17, 2007 | 1 comment
28. Unexpected Marketing (or The Power of Enjoy your Workplace) (fastcompany.com)
7 points by juanpablo on Oct 17, 2007 | 2 comments
29. A historical perspective on tech bubbles (nytimes.com)
6 points by ereldon on Oct 17, 2007 | 2 comments
30. The Future of Software Development (readwriteweb.com)
6 points by krs on Oct 17, 2007

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